Mundane News

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neighbor recently adopted 2 small cats, maybe they were kittens. they are still quite juvenile. they have taken to "walking" one of them, with a leash, in our back area & seemingly wherever the cat wants to lead them. full harness & everything. pretty funny watching a human being led by a cat

All of my cats are harness trained. :smile:

I had one boy when I was a student in that there London, who would go for walks with me to the local park. He was an indoor cat, and he loved his daily constitutionals. He even learned to sit on the kerb while we waited to cross the road.


Mrs 73 has just found out it's been confirmed her favourite uncle has cancer , out look not good palliative care only option. :sad:
Lovely luncheon of sliced gammon on toast, a banana, a pear and two :cuppa:

Litter trays done, planters all watered (and fed with liquid tomato feed), and some writing done.

Now watching some cricket and trying to think of a name for a very minor character. My original choice - a slightly tongue-in-cheek tribute to a friend - was just too close to the name of one of my main characters and could cause some confusion. So I now need a two-syllable name for a 50-something year old male who runs a bookshop.
Today is very hot and foolish English bloke that l am , l have been restoring a dry stone wall at our house in SW France. see first photo.
The second two phots show a piece of the rock l am using one side of which has the fossilised imprint of a fern leaf. I had no idea that these rocks are in existence and l'm dead chuffed to have found one . Anyone have knowledge regarding this phenomenon , l would like to know more .


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I've got cookie dough ice cream.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A reasonably successful day for a change as well as being nice and sunny outside.
Down Main St this morning and behold and lo an empty space near the bank for parking so I got the cash I have been trying to get for ages. The parking in general was more like July parking in the past apart from the motorhomes who will persist in blocking the seaward side carriageway.
No cruise boats and too early for bus parties and crowds of day trippers.
Up to the start of a forest road at my wildlife pal's place. He is away just now but the swallows were perched on a phone line and swooping down occasionally to feed. Don't look like they are feeding young but I did not hang about to check.

Back home I decided to get on with changing the router. Looks straightforward but took lots of swearing before it was all done.
They seem to expect everyone to be totally familiar with all electronic stuff but it can be a bit hit or miss for ancients like myself.
Now my landline does not work and the display tells me to check line connection so probably my phone is not compatible with the digital conversion. Landline is now off so no alternative.
I may just give it up and rely on mobile but it does make me a bit nervous.
IPad kept telling me the password was wrong. Once I could accept but four times? Fifth attempt it decided to play ball.
IPhone no bother but MacBook was rejected so had to more or less sit on the router before it accepted it's presence.
All of my cats are harness trained. :smile:

I had one boy when I was a student in that there London, who would go for walks with me to the local park. He was an indoor cat, and he loved his daily constitutionals. He even learned to sit on the kerb while we waited to cross the road.

cool! growing up we leashed our cat(s). very useful on long road trips, for pit stops. personally, my girlfriend & I had a voice trained cat, as-in we would take it for walks in Boston & it stayed with us

our neighbor is only taking one of the 2 they have, outside. the past 33+ years Wifey & I have had indoor/outdoor cats. so I can't imagine teasing an animal like that. meaning letting them out, but only on leash

doesn't help that he was walking on the trail we closed to foot traffic & thru our garden ... not really an issue, he's a really nice guy. just mildly inconsiderate
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