Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I have freshly picked peas, beans, spinach and chard to go with my dinner this evening. Neighbours have received food parcels, too 👍


Early morning cloud has lifted and its now a lovely sunny day. Should dry Charles bedding nicely , talking of which can't make up his mind what he fancies doing. Think he over did it yesterday every time we go off he gets made a fuss of. Think he need's a fan club we'd make a mint from it. He's been asleep most of the morning ,now working out the best place to enjoy himself in the sun outside.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I was thinking about cats climbing things. My old cats would sometimes climb trees. Schrodie was a pain at times as he would climb up and get out through open windows and on to the top of our porch. He broke a large china fish my wife was fond of when he jumped down from an open window. Georgie doesn't seem so interested in climbing. He will climb our fence and sit on a post or climb onto the roof of my garage. I think he has learnt not to sit on the garage door as I close it. I have seen some cats climb up the walls of houses gripping the bricks or wooden cladding. Georgie doesn't seem that interested in climbing into our loft like our other cats who would shoot up there as soon as I placed the ladder there.

Some cats we had would climb trees but then get stuck and not able to get down again so ladders had to be deployed to lift them down.
Never happened with us but I seem to remember the fire brigade got called out by somebody to retrieve their cat from a high tree.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Got a nice trike run on a forest road which has been extended. I think harvesting is probably due to start soon so may not get another chance.
Photo of Tobermory with Ben Hiant from the end of this road.
I am about to change my router which may take some time to connect with lots of letters and numbers to insert.



Legendary Member
I was thinking about cats climbing things. My old cats would sometimes climb trees. Schrodie was a pain at times as he would climb up and get out through open windows and on to the top of our porch. He broke a large china fish my wife was fond of when he jumped down from an open window. Georgie doesn't seem so interested in climbing. He will climb our fence and sit on a post or climb onto the roof of my garage. I think he has learnt not to sit on the garage door as I close it. I have seen some cats climb up the walls of houses gripping the bricks or wooden cladding. Georgie doesn't seem that interested in climbing into our loft like our other cats who would shoot up there as soon as I placed the ladder there.

A friend of mine was caretaker of a Methodist Church and Community Centre (formerly the 'Church School') he lived in a terrraced house next door, one of his Cats used to climb up the 4 storey wall................about 60 foot high. :eek:
Some cats we had would climb trees but then get stuck and not able to get down again so ladders had to be deployed to lift them down.
Never happened with us but I seem to remember the fire brigade got called out by somebody to retrieve their cat from a high tree.

My friend in Norway had a cat that did this; he lived far beyond any fire brigade and didn't have a ladder long enough, so he had to let the cat figure her own way down.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Ride has been ridden. Ice Cream has been eaten. Farm shop has been visited.
Must be about time for a snooze 👌
It's a warm and grey day here chez Casa Reynard - currently dry, but there are showers forecast.

Did not sleep terribly well. For most of the night I seemed to be bordering on the verge of wakefulness. I have spent the morning puttering about in the garden and preparing a lace pattern for the parental unit. This afternoon will be spent doing more assorted small tasks - and dipping into the opening match of The Hundred. There is also some more adulting to be done, but I shall do that this evening most likely.

The Paul Warwick lot that I snaffled on the Bay of E ended up being a real little gem. The listing was for one A5 promotional photo (which I already had*) and a press release from Madgwick announcing a sponsorship deal with Mobil. What the listing *didn't* say was that a championship calendar and a full profile of Paul produced by the team (and probably the best one I now have) were also included. So that was a really nice surprise.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon - and someone wants their chicken.

* and that is marked up on the back with various notes as it originally came from the archive of a newspaper
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