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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
One min it was 07-00 and i went for a pee.Next thing i know it is 09-40.I have slept in.

Cooler weather after a couple of warm days gives me that sleepy morning thing.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
And just like in Tenerife, the main problem isn't caused by the tourists but the greed of the wealthy who own the businesses and accommodation wanting to make more and more money from tourism, with the locals pushed out of the way.

Here the accommodation problem is those who own multiple houses but only for short term rent to touroid. In addition there are now multiple food providers and the FB pages are dominated by photos of more and more fancy dishes at fancy prices.
The holiday house nearest to me is owned by somebody who does not live here and only comes every few months to check it over. He has been causing us problems for a long time by misusing a back gate which got retrospective planning permission despite local objections.
Cool and overcast here chez Casa Reynard, but the sun is showing signs of wanting to break through the cloud.

Slept OK - not as well as I'd have liked. I am rather stiff after driving for so long yesterday, even though I did have a nice walk down by the river before tackling the return leg. While stuck in traffic near Heathrow on the outward leg, I got to see an A380 taking off. Blimey, those things are huge.

I have not done much this morning other than going through the photos I took yesterday and putting away all my stuff. I just need to retrieve my coat, walking boots and track pump from the car.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
Massive lie-in, strong coffee and pain o chocolate dispatched, time to pick the new tv up .... the 20 year old one packed up, stuff don't last these days :laugh:


Peter Watkins did such a fine job of Culloden, the BBC hired him to make a film about the effects on Britain of nuclear war. The War Game makes Threads look like a Disney movie.
Threads got a mention on the telly again last night.
Each time anyone refers to it I think to myself "I don't have any recollection of it, and I think I would have remembered that sort of thing", so this morning I looked it up on Wikipedia, and then dug out my diary. I was out on 23.9.84, so that explains that.
I saw The War Game though, in a private screening a decade or so before they lifted the ban on public broadcast.


Legendary Member
Chucked a load of towels in to wash and decided to bike into town while the machine did its thing. Very windy and with some of that fine misty rain thrown in as well. It's now sunny so the towels are drying nicely in the wind on the whirlygig.
On the bright side I did see a police car pull over a youth riding an e-scooter in Felixstowe and may have muttered words to the effect of "just seize it and crush it" under my breath as I passed.
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