Mundane News

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South Tyneside
The government itself made it a complete farce by allowing city hire/pavement litter schemes.


Call me old fashioned but I just have bought a wired computer mouse.
I have 3 wireless ones and they work fine but I just don't like them.

Hamster's cage walls reinforced with various stuff to gnaw because that little devil kept me awake since 4 am. Looked like it's been given an order from whatever higher power hamsters have "to gnaw and destroy your cage asap". And it did so very hard. A few times I saw it hanging upside down (looked hilarious though) because I put a heavy bowl in the corner thinking it will be too heavy to push away. Nope, duty is duty and nothing will stop the hamster. So it was stuck in the corner with it's head down gnawing the plastic platform while only it's bottom and a tail was visible.
Strange because it's never tried to destroy the cage before.
Car boot emptied from yesterday's stuff. I'm a belt-and-braces kind of girl and would rather take something and not need it instead of not having it and wishing that I had. MOT test booking for Colin is now in the system. If I work steadily through the adult-type stuff, I'll get to the bottom if it eventually.

Now watching the evening news and supping on a :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry day with little wind but cloudy.
Got out for a trike run on my usual route but not enjoyable as far too much traffic and idiots who drove too fast on roads they were not familiar with. They also mostly had no idea what passing places were for but that was more inconvenient to other car drivers rather than myself.
This happens from time to time but I have never been able to pin down a cause for the increase in traffic.

After lunch went up to the Glass Barn farm shop to get some of their good bacon. Heaving with people and cars parked everywhere. Inside I made for the shop and the cabinet where meat products normally are was stripped bare. Nothing, zilch.
They are incomers I do not resent as they bought a derelict farm and make cheese as well as selling their own meat produce in the shop which is part of a cafe area. One of the sons has a successful biscuit factory and another owns a hotel.
The whole complex apart from the hotel is powered by hydro electricity and wind power.

Had another abortive attempt to get cash from the bank but no parking anywhere near enough.
My new router has arrived which should be simple enough to install but the wireless password is not nice looking and will require a lot of concentration before I can get back on to the internet.
Georgie hasn't been in for his food today. The last time I saw him as last night. I've looked in our shed and garage.

I hope he gets his furry butt home soon xxx
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