Mundane News

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Georgie has finally turned up . My wife went up the garden and he went over to her making faint crying noises to her. He has been at the back door eating his breakfast. I gave him a few treats inside which he ate but he has gone back out again. There seems to be something in the house which frightens him.

Just a thought, do you have a self defrosting fridge/freezer. The noise mine makes some times is of the what the hell was that variety


Itching to get back on my bike's
Well, if you got one bike a year to celebrate, you'd now have 20... ;)

That's true although I am trying to get sub 10 bikes but it's hard .

Been watching the world go by a couple of times today quite enjoyable really .


i wish to make the following statement :hyper::notworthy::bravo::boxing: i have reached the magnificent wonderful weight of 14st.Plus it's all with good food,i am eating so much fruit,plus a few bars of chocolate,but the food intake is of quality meals,no this a very good weight gain.On Thursday i go to Otley hospital to see about my ears and hearing,i hope they can sort out why i am slightly dizzy at times,i don't think it is vertigo anymore i don't feel sick or have to lie down,all is well,next week it is a scan on the heart.
The cat from next door decided that he would like to investigate my kitchen. He is alledgely a "house cat", as he was used as a stud and kept indoors.

I would describe him as a large cat, as in tall and long in the body, with black and brown stripes similar to a tiger. @Reynard - do you know what breed of cat that is?

My best guess is a domestic shorthair mackerel tabby.

Although (assuming shorthair) there are a few breeds that could fit that bill e.g. Toyger or one of the many Asian or Oriental tabbies, but they are rather rare and likely would not be left to investigate a neighbour's kitchen.


Vice Admiral
My best guess is a domestic shorthair mackerel tabby.

Although (assuming shorthair) there are a few breeds that could fit that bill e.g. Toyger or one of the many Asian or Oriental tabbies, but they are rather rare and likely would not be left to investigate a neighbour's kitchen.

He is not used as a "stud" by my neighbours. The grandson of the lady next door rescued the cat from being kept in a small cage. He is a "house cat" because he did not go outside as he had been bullied by other cats.

Today he encountered Kizzy on the patio, some time after he had got into the kitchen. Randy, the cat, not the grandson, is alledgedly frightened of being outside.

If he get used to being outside, he could explore the field next to his back garden. I think his staff are worried about his "road sense". This is a cul de sac with not much traffic.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Threads got a mention on the telly again last night.
Each time anyone refers to it I think to myself "I don't have any recollection of it, and I think I would have remembered that sort of thing", so this morning I looked it up on Wikipedia, and then dug out my diary. I was out on 23.9.84, so that explains that.
I saw The War Game though, in a private screening a decade or so before they lifted the ban on public broadcast.

I did as well, in a public administration class. The Day After and Threads were both fine movies in their time. I thought that Peter Watkins did a fine job on Culloden as well.
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