Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa is bedside and going down well
Blue sky and sunshine


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cloudy with sun breaking through from time to time.
Very different from last Sunday which was the last real exercise I had when with shorts on got a fairly strenuous trike run.
Up earlier than usual this morning as I misread the clock so bread is now on the go but nothing planned except to try a walk.

Tour bus drivers seem totally antisocial in Oban. They block a one way street which is the main route from the ferry terminal by double parking to load or unload passengers and luggage. Massive disruption just round the corner from the police station but nothing has been done about this so far. The inside lane is a bus stance anyway but they do not need to double park by just driving round the block while the inside ones disgorge before going off to park elsewhere.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've tried a tandem on my own. I did 6 miles. I got some sympathy from another rider who said I was taking things to the extreme. It might have been a bit easier if I had sorted the gear cable out. I would need more experience before I went 2 up. The brakes worked okay but the steering felt a bit wayward. I also hadn't got used to the length of the thing.

You could have picked up a hitch-hiker 👍


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
First walk has been walked. Second outing is to a local field to meet daughter and granddaughter so our dogs can have a proper loon around for an hour 🐶 🐕


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it looks like summer has returned with a grey and blustery start to the day with a little bit of rain thrown into the mix. Coffee has been had and I think a quiet day is in prospect with just a little bit of food shopping for the next few days to be done.

Mmmm yeah. You go elsewhere for retail therapy, but Cambridge is my nearest / most convenient, and ergo I can't really avoid the touristy bits. OTOH at least there are plenty of bike racks...

The ride in from Cambridge North station right into town is actually quite enjoyable.
Most of Cambridge is enjoyable - it's just the central bit where all the colleges and the punting bit of the Cam are where the tourists seem to block any progress that I can't stand and avoid where possible.
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