Mundane News

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Think the IT issue may be expanding, my kitchen scales would not reset their weight (or change anything). Needed a hard restart, take a battery out.
Overcast with some sunny spells. Free paper as usual from Waitrose plus some yoghurts. Plus another pack of them from Asda (same price) and a Cranberry fruit juice. Seemed to the only fruit juice in either than had pretty neglible sugar content to keep the dentist happy.
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Cooler this morning quite over cast but still nice walk and trip to town to be had.
Charlie looks to be having a better day yesterday was just a bit too much spent most of it asleep.
It's a humid, warm and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard. There is rain forecast for this afternoon.

Slept well - crashed out like a light. Still feel a bit tired and more than a bit stressed. But a trip down to Hampshire to visit Paul's grave on the anniversary of his passing is always a bit stressful - that hasn't changed in the nearly three decades since I first went. At least yesterday I managed to get a suitable quantity of white roses in Tesco, where I used some clubcard vouchers to pay for them. It spared me the running-around-town that I had to do in January.

Have had a busy-ish morning. Watered all the planters, vacuumed the inside of the car, wiped off all the bird poo and gave it a general bit of maintenance. Good job I did, as the wash-wipe reservoir was almost empty. Oil check revealed that the oil is actually very clean, so when I take the car for its MOT, I shall ask the garage to cancel the reminder on the dash, as I haven't managed to work out how to do it.

I plan on having a quiet afternoon. Any adulting that needs my attention can wait until Monday.

It is almost time for luncheon.


There's a small Sally Army place just off Wimborne Square. Mrs Tkk and I have never seen it open, and it had been filed away in the " Brigadoon " section of my mental filing cabinet. That all changed today as we walked past, saw the door open and a board advertising tea and coffee. Wandered in and was greeted by a charming gentleman and his wife who served us each with a mug of coffee and a generous portion of delicious homemade cake for the princely sum of £2.50 each. Knowing that Mrs Tkk is watching her fitness levels I selflessly chose the larger portion of cake.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Tearaway puppy has been retrieved by daughter.. Bonnie is resting, unmolested, in her bed with a thankful expression on her face. Little does she know that the pair of them are meeting up at a field tomorrow morning 🐶🐶


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Went out a bit early for the library which reopens at 1330 so went down to Main St. with the idea of stopping at the bank to check if the cash machine was working yet. Not a snowballs chance of parking!
Motorhomes projecting out on to the street by about a yard beyond the cars so constant stopping for oncoming traffic and in any case I was behind a tiny Fiat who could not get through any space less than three feet either side. Local vehicles regard three inches as being ample to sail through.
To add to the chaos a large cruise liner is anchored outside the bay and landing by tender what looks like hundreds of passengers all with large umbrellas.
No wind but still large rain drops.
I still live here out of habit despite conditions getting more unpleasant.
There is also the expectation that this madness will not last but I may not live long enough ti see it.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
It's absolutely pouring rain ☔ Good to see summer continues.

It is light grey here. Our cars are damp but it doesn't seem to be raining .
Dull but very humid here all day , went for a ride and drank 2 bottles of water plus a cake stop for coffee and i was still dehydrated .
Tried a tony chocolate bar and i think its overpriced and overhyped as it was exactly like a plain yorkie bar in taste and texture .
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