Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I love torties and their attitude to life - that's why I want another one after losing Poppy last year. Tortietude is real! :biggrin:

Totally agree. I have loved all my pets, both cats and dogs but Molly my Siamese tortiepoint is a bit special. I’ve never had such a close bond with any of my pets as I have with her.


Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa brewing

Just saying that If I sat in a pub in the 60's I wouldn't have got served....
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Driech morning.
The forecast says heavy rain and light winds which sums it up nicely.
Library today I think but not till afternoon. They advertise fun things for juniors in the morning so I will give that a miss.
My back has started to get painful so added paracetamol to the morning cocktail.
Washing machine should be finished by now so that is about the height of today's excitement.
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