Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out to be a nice sunny afternoon but rain has just now appeared and still very windy.
Sat up in my top garden for a while and then remembered some rogue potatoes I noticed a while ago so dug a couple of shaws and had the tatties with a mutton stew from the freezer. Very nice and I got the meat as a gift so the whole thing was not entirely cost free but nearly.
There are more potatoes but the shaws are not visible now so need to do a bit more digging.
One of my water butts has fallen over but not sure why as the base looks level. Need to go up and sort it properly the next reasonable day.


Mrs 73 is waiting for the train home, just had an iMessage saying "the same cricket folk are waiting too.Some of them are a bit weird".
Sent one back saying yep you get some like that. :laugh:


Touched up the bike shed paint finish. The makers sell a tin of quite thick paint to touch it up. Some time back It had a scratch on it which I spotted during a spell of poor weather for painting so had put done waterproof tape over it. That was finally showing signs of getting beyond its life span so removed and quite a job getting rid of the stickyness - took two dosings with sticky stuff remover and use of old knife. Found the worse smallish paint brush (ie very stiff clogged up brustles bar the very end and once the horrible thick paint had been applied it went straight in the refuse wheelie. Hoping the paint dries quickly given the heat.


Legendary Member
Moving from nursing to SW is a common one , some even do it the other way. One example being the great Dame Dr Cicely Saunders who later moved from Nursing to medicine. Yes things did change a lot with hospital based SW and not all for the better. Things now are a lot better joined up since the last labour gov allowed hospitals to fine councils if it's them delaying discharge. More joined up thinking and work came from social care act. Which meant that if someone moves for a period of time councils can't pass the buck. They still have to pay and provide any care already in place. It helped Mrs 73 with ongoing care a lot when she work in the prison.

The biggest threat to nursing is the newish role of Nursing Associates. 2 year training designed to help nurses with basic stuff above HCA. they can't start care ie write a care plan, have to work under supervision of RN and can't do controlled drugs. A bit like old EN but worse the lines are now getting really blurred. They are starting to do more and more in some trusts RN post's have been totally replaced with NA ones. They are cheeper and quicker to qualify. We now have 1000's of student nurses who have just qualified and can't find a job. We know some who are working in Greggs.
Doctors are having the same issues too with Physician associates they do two years training , can't prescribe , order tests , x-rays, even diagnose yet are taking over roles , taking training placers off Jnr Dr's even .

Interesting I took early retirement in 2003 It wasn’t until I went into hospital for a heart op that nurses shifts had changed from three eight hour shifts to two twelve hour shifts..I’ve. Ever had to work a twelve hour shift pattern I know how hard nurses work and in some situations how stressful it can be
Don’t get me started on the low pay for junior doctors.


Interesting I took early retirement in 2003 It wasn’t until I went into hospital for a heart op that nurses shifts had changed from three eight hour shifts to two twelve hour shifts..I’ve. Ever had to work a twelve hour shift pattern I know how hard nurses work and in some situations how stressful it can be
Don’t get me started on the low pay for junior doctors.

Yes 12 hour shifts are mostly the norm now. Though Mrs 73 new job is still 8 hour ones. Means less days off but she not as tried so can enjoy them.

As for Junior doctors is really bad people just don't understand they are fully trained doctors.
You may find this interesting it's a real F1 (jnr HO as was) pay slip. Not betraying confidence it's been shared on twitter this week.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
When I came down from my garden this afternoon I discovered the door on my electric meter dookit flapping in the wind. If it was raining the meters and all the rest of the gubbins in there would get soaked.
I suspect a meter reader has been round and I have noticed before he never shuts the door. Next time I see him I must have a few words but unfortunately he does not come regularly enough to predict his visits.
The holiday house owner is still here and he was out strimming the grass and weeds where I park my car. Anybody else and I would thank them but I do not trust him and wonder if he is going to try to claim ownership of this ground which was gifted for our parking but not part of the highway.The council deny ownership but this is probably because when Strathclyde Region came into being they set about destroying all the old town records. Some were saved by an employee who “ stole “ them but not all were saved.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
That will be fun :laugh:.

A Cockerpoo puppy & a 2½ year old Bischon Frise... 😂


Made use of having to use the car to Sainsburys and bought a ten pack of J2O bottles. Appeared to be sold out on the correct shelf but last time in I spotted a stack between the frozen food and household cleaning sections and that looked pretty untouched. What to have for dinner tomorrow was resolved by a reduced pack of salmon fishcakes dated for tomorrow.
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