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Legendary Member
How times have changed.I qualified back in 1984.Nursing now requires a degree and the cost of a student loan.

Charles Frears school of nursing Leicester were student nurses gained their qualifications. I was paid to train .Decent book allowance

RMN SRN SEN Mid Wifery we’re the courses leading to qualification

I used to live on London Rd just past the campus


Legendary Member
Sounds like you are starting to enjoy the retirement malarky.
I've been enjoying the retirement stuff since midday on 29th February when I walked out of the office for the final time.
After 40+ years of continual employment there are times when I still have to remind myself that I don't have to do anything if I don't want to and can just sit around with a coffee or squash in one hand and a book or magazine in the other.


How times have changed.I qualified back in 1984.Nursing now requires a degree and the cost of a student loan.

Charles Frears school of nursing Leicester were student nurses gained their qualifications. I was paid to train .Decent book allowance

RMN SRN SEN Mid Wifery we’re the courses leading to qualification

Yes it has even when Mrs73 qualified it was mostly advanced diploma , degree had just started coming in not many placers did it. They got given a hard sell about topping to degree when at uni. It turned out the rubbish and Mrs 73 along with many never finished it. She did top it up years later but via the OU much better and clinically well ahead, before doing her masters. All of which she had to pay for. Luckily her nurse training was free along with bursaries. Someone in her group worked out given the about of hours. Needed to do to qualify the bursary worked out to be 76p hour. Back then student nurses where not Supernumerary and counted towards ward staff numbers. Though she trained via university her group worked out the old hospital nursing school building.So she lived on site in the house blocks, happy days :whistle:. It was not till the last part of her 3rd year the university closed all the local sites and moved to brand new building. Miles away for anything on land going cheep not long after that they closed the facility of nursing all together.

Now it's RN , RCN, RMN, RM then you have health visitor, Community Public Health Nurse (district nurse as was) , school nurse. You can now only work as the last 3 if you have Specialist Masters in Community Public Health Nursing. Specialising in one of the 3. That and none medical prescribing are formal recordable qualifications on the NMC register. Other one being Nurse lecturer.
Some unis now do a combined nursing and social worker degree mostly mental health or LD nursing. Not many around but the odd place do combined paramedic and nursing degree. Nursing degree Apprenticeship are also quite common now. Tends to be hospitals who sponsor staff already employed wanting to train up. You've then got many post grad qualification if you move into advanced practice like COPD or / and Asthma Diploma (they are common with practice nurses who do the clinics). Or the formal Advanced Nurse Practitioner masters.


Legendary Member
I popped out on the bike just after 10:00 to get some rolls in for this evening's tea (sausages also removed from the freezer as filer) and to do a Tour de Felixstowe as some light exercise before it got too warm. With a slight onshore breeze to cool things down on the beach, I suspect there may be a few people resembling lobsters by the end of the day.

Since then all I've done is sat mostly in the shade in the back garden with a mug of coffee, a couple of pints of squash, Private Eye to read and the golf on the radio playing through earphones. I have no interest in the golf, but it blocks out external noise from neighbours.


Leg End Member



Legendary Member
I used to live on London Rd just past the campus

Do you know what the site is used for now. My guess would be it’s been built on
Yes it has even when Mrs73 qualified it was mostly advanced diploma , degree had just started coming in not many placers did it. They got given a hard sell about topping to degree when at uni. It turned out the rubbish and Mrs 73 along with many never finished it. She did top it up years later but via the OU much better and clinically well ahead, before doing her masters. All of which she had to pay for. Luckily her nurse training was free along with bursaries. Someone in her group worked out given the about of hours. Needed to do to qualify the bursary worked out to be 76p hour. Back then student nurses where not Supernumerary and counted towards ward staff numbers. Though she trained via university her group worked out the old hospital nursing school building.So she lived on site in the house blocks, happy days :whistle:. It was not till the last part of her 3rd year the university closed all the local sites and moved to brand new building. Miles away for anything on land going cheep not long after that they closed the facility of nursing all together.

Now it's RN , RCN, RMN, RM then you have health visitor, Community Public Health Nurse (district nurse as was) , school nurse. You can now only work as the last 3 if you have Specialist Masters in Community Public Health Nursing. Specialising in one of the 3. That and none medical prescribing are formal recordable qualifications on the NMC register. Other one being Nurse lecturer.
Some unis now do a combined nursing and social worker degree mostly mental health or LD nursing. Not many around but the odd place do combined paramedic and nursing degree. Nursing degree Apprenticeship are also quite common now. Tends to be hospitals who sponsor staff already employed wanting to train up. You've then got many post grad qualification if you move into advanced practice like COPD or / and Asthma Diploma (they are common with practice nurses who do the clinics). Or the formal Advanced Nurse Practitioner masters.

Found that interesting I later qualified as a SW and left nursing to work in social care of the elderly mainly needs led assessment discharge planning in conjunction with multi disciplinary team.Relatives.Home care services and benefits advise This was a job I got a lot of satisfaction from..

Unfortunately things changed in2003.Private sector we’re taking over our roles When i announced at the MDT i was taking early retirement the consultant older person to say he was annoyed with my decision is an understatement.As I explained to the team I would not be hospital based but in an area office and more than likely not have exclusivity to the MDT team.The fact that are older person sw team was hospital based enabled me to respond to referrals quickly The move to an area office would mean dealing with various areas of social work.This wasn’t what I signed up for.
My leaving do for me w as a sad moment of my life saying good by to SW colleagues.The medical,teamNurses OTS physios.


I have returned.Filled with more coffee.Nipped in to Aldi grapes six apples for my salad mackerel tea.Plus 6 x 330ml bottles of zero lager £2-99 50p a bottle.Even if it's crap it's cheap crap,but i don't think it will be.I get fed up of drinking ribena or fruit mixes.Next job salad.


Do you know what the site is used for now. My guess would be it’s been built on

Found that interesting I later qualified as a SW and left nursing to work in social care of the elderly mainly needs led assessment discharge planning in conjunction with multi disciplinary team.Relatives.Home care services and benefits advise This was a job I got a lot of satisfaction from..

Unfortunately things changed in2003.Private sector we’re taking over our roles When i announced at the MDT i was taking early retirement the consultant older person to say he was annoyed with my decision is an understatement.As I explained to the team I would not be hospital based but in an area office and more than likely not have exclusivity to the MDT team.The fact that are older person sw team was hospital based enabled me to respond to referrals quickly The move to an area office would mean dealing with various areas of social work.This wasn’t what I signed up for.
My leaving do for me w as a sad moment of my life saying good by to SW colleagues.The medical,teamNurses OTS physios.

Moving from nursing to SW is a common one , some even do it the other way. One example being the great Dame Dr Cicely Saunders who later moved from Nursing to medicine. Yes things did change a lot with hospital based SW and not all for the better. Things now are a lot better joined up since the last labour gov allowed hospitals to fine councils if it's them delaying discharge. More joined up thinking and work came from social care act. Which meant that if someone moves for a period of time councils can't pass the buck. They still have to pay and provide any care already in place. It helped Mrs 73 with ongoing care a lot when she work in the prison.

The biggest threat to nursing is the newish role of Nursing Associates. 2 year training designed to help nurses with basic stuff above HCA. they can't start care ie write a care plan, have to work under supervision of RN and can't do controlled drugs. A bit like old EN but worse the lines are now getting really blurred. They are starting to do more and more in some trusts RN post's have been totally replaced with NA ones. They are cheeper and quicker to qualify. We now have 1000's of student nurses who have just qualified and can't find a job. We know some who are working in Greggs.
Doctors are having the same issues too with Physician associates they do two years training , can't prescribe , order tests , x-rays, even diagnose yet are taking over roles , taking training placers off Jnr Dr's even doing surgery and holding the bleep. Unlike NA a PA is paid more than a Jnr Dr even though they have to work under them and know a lot less. They are even replacing GP's we have 1000's of newly qualified GP's out of work, locums too are out of work. Some GP's are now working as Uber drivers. If that's not enough we even have Anaesthetist associates same 2 year training and same limits to practice and like PA are affecting anaesthetists training and jobs.
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