Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
I think Barclays Bank need taking to the advertising standards peeps. They just showed a new advert with children showing people going in to a branch to open up accounts. :angry:

Please explain what a bank branch is as most of our local ones closed down over the last few years. I think there are a couple left in much smaller units than they use to occupy years ago.


All at sea⛵

I think Barclays Bank need taking to the advertising standards peeps. They just showed a new advert with children showing people going in to a branch to open up accounts. :angry:

Barclays keep writing to the management offering to help transfer our balance.
They talk about the credit card balance. Sort of overlook mentioning that we might have to pay them back.
As for branches, Lloyds went first, then Barclays and finally NatWest.
The only remaining near bank is Nationwide and they've spent years and millions telling us they are not a bank.
There is the Post Office, but that's just a test centre for queue management process testing.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I bank with the Halifax, in the same account I had as a student in NI. It's closed one of the two remaining local branches but opened a 'banking hub' with other banks last week where each bank rotates a day a week Monday-Friday.

However ... apparently it's their 'turn' on a Tuesday. What if I don't/can't go on a Tuesday?
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I bank with the Halifax, in the same account I had as a student. It's closed one of the two remaining local branches but opened a 'banking hub' with other banks last week where each bank rotates a day a week Monday-Friday.

However ... apparently it's their 'turn' on a Tuesday. What if I don't/can't go on a Tuesday?

I thought the idea was that several banks operated at the same time via booths or desks..
There's still a few banks in Hamtun, so far: HSBC, Lloyd's, Barclay's, Metro + a few Building Societies.


Up at 07-30 i have risen,i have an ology appointment at Chap A hospital.Not serious they want to check a mole on my back.I always thought moles lived under lawns.This one is a cheeky bugger.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Overcast and a bit damp but no actually raining. No wind so prime midge conditions.
Talk of banks reminds me I must get down to the ATM and see if it is now working. It was probably off yesterday after the bank holiday and they had not bothered refilling it.
We still have a static bank branch which used to be Clydesdale but is now Virgin. There are also two mobile banks which come over once a week. Royal Bank and Bank of Scotland.
Nothing planned apart from some clearing out of surplus bike stuff which is a problem as it is too good to just dump so I may just put it all in a large box and donate to the charity shop.


Kings speech today it's no fun any more now the lord chancellor no longer walks backward down the steps. It was the high light of the whole thing always a chance of tumble. After that bit of excitement it all quickly go's badly wrong. I've my bull S... bingo card ready my feeling is I will get a full house in about a minute.


Legendary Member
Good morning from somewhere that claims to be Suffolk, but with sunshine, light winds AND warmth all at the same time I'm not convinced.
The first coffee of the day has been finished and I've had a couple of bananas for breakfast. There's a need to pop into town to get some more orange & mango squash from Tesco as I've just opened the last bottle from my stock and that's about it for today.
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