Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
US Republican politics keep on giving. I wonder what kind of pills Trump's new running mate is popping...

Not the same as Biden's. I never thought he;d last this long.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Despite a dismal start today remained dry.
Went down to check the ATM and still out of action. The bank was still shut so could not go in to get some cash. Still plenty of time anyway as it is to stick inside a birthday card for eldest grandson. He is getting a bit old for this now and probably has his own bank a/c but a transfer is not quite the same.
Why did we remain polite towards that effing holiday house owner yesterday?:angry:
He waits until there is a good breeze away from his house and then lights a bonfire which produces loads of ash which lands on all the nearby cars. This is not the first time he has done this and had a negative reaction then so ignorance is no excuse but arrogance probably is.
The peasants should know their place and show proper deference. Lives in Yorkshire and just comes to check on things now and then.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
A house on my street was bought by someone who hasn't moved in nine months later. Someone in there has been using a band saw ALL DAY and it's loud.


All at sea⛵
I'm going for a cycle around Honfleur. Beer might be taken. Well French stuff that they try to pass off as beer
I shall rent a couple, ' cause that's all you ever do with beer.

Well, it was rather warm and quite busy. Learned that french drivers and cyclists relationship is equally challenging, but different.

Now lounging on an ad hoc campsite with electric barriers. Informally formal.

Savouring a Campari and tonic. Reminds when the company drink was Campari to start and whatever hooch someone had recently brought back from their travels to finish.
Any white spirit was christened "Grandfather's Tear".
Anything coloured was treated with suspicion and classed as Kirsch.
All usually arrived in odd bottles.
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