Mundane News

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Two jacket spuds and salad for tea. Not the most exciting cuisine i'll have to admit ....
.... but lots of nice fruit (including gooseberries!) and ice cream for pud.


Legendary Member
Does anybody know what problem keeping plastic bottle tops attached to the bottle is meant to fix?

I went out in the rain last night to a nearby pub only to find it shut for a staff party. Today I went to the M&S foodhall up in Blackheath only to find it all boarded up. Food and drink is getting complicated around here.

Different plastic used in them


Legendary Member
Another grey day draws to close. At least the domestics have been done for the week so if the weather does as it's forecast to do for the rest of the week I can get out and enjoy it.

I now have the rail tickets for both myself and the bike for Saturday. Last time I'd worked out a route which crossed the 16 vehicle bridges over the Thames and the one over the Serpentine, but I've worked out a slight extension over Richmond & Twickenham bridges to bring it up to 18 on the Thames. Hoping it will stay dry this time.


The frozen food shop in Asda turned out to my advantage looking at the receipt. One item was labelled on the freezer as £2 and another £2.70 (2 for £4) so I took two of those. At the till they all came up at £2 each so there I was thinking I could have just bought one of the pair the same. The receipt however has a completely unidentified in store 3 for £5 offer knocking a £1 off.
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While i have been in Lancashire,father in Law out of hospital// seems i have become a Squire,can anyone tell me what extra does that get me.A bright coat,leather boots a sneer come on what excitement can i expect.Don't bother with any wenches,the occasional flagon on beer might come in handy.


Legendary Member
It actually remained dry today despite appearances this morning.

Had to fill out one of those stupid quarterly reports at work today which I hate. It doesn't come naturally to blow my own trumpet and say how brilliant I am. I just do my job.

Another concert tonight. I love volunteering for these things. Just reflecting on how things have changed. Audience survey used to mean a rucksack full of survey cards and three thousand pens as people keep pinching them. Now I have a laminated card with a QR code. I had to install an app on my phone this year to scan people's tickets instead of looking for their name on a long list. All good until you lose data connection!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Had to fill out one of those stupid quarterly reports at work today which I hate. It doesn't come naturally to blow my own trumpet and say how brilliant I am. I just do my job.

The people who ARE good at blowing their own trumpet aren't usually good at their job, but tell everyone that they are. And so get the (undeserved) public praise.
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