Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
As I understand that, you can vote after you're released/have paid fines et c.

I'm told that here in Germany, prisoners can vote unless they're convicted of a crime specifically targeting the state or "democratic order"; this has obvious historical reasons in Germany.

Many states in the US allow you to vote on release from prison, others, you have to complete your sentence, but in Maine, Puerto Rico, Washington, and Vermont, you never lose voting rights for a felony

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
US Republican politics keep on giving. I wonder what kind of pills Trump's new running mate is popping...

The people who ARE good at blowing their own trumpet aren't usually good at their job, but tell everyone that they are. And so get the (undeserved) public praise.
These two statements are related...


Itching to get back on my bike's
Well that must have been a number 4 as it was twice as big as a number........
Well that must have been a number 4 as it was twice as big as a number........

When I worked a few weeks in Nepal this was a regular topic of conversation. You would often be asked if it was a number two or a three, or if you were in the negatives. We reckoned that on average we were all healthy.

Mind you we also reckoned we had a great tan for about two weeks, until we were able to have a full body wash and it all went down the drain...


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Just watched the Daley Thompson documentary as he was one of my heroes when i was a youth and it strikes me like many at the top of their sport how much dedication and selfishness they need to be to be at the top.
legs aching today as i did 2 hard sessions on zwift and a light weight circuit yesterday so i will have to have a lighter day today as even though i enjoy training and it keeps me occupied im pushing it a bit too much .
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