Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I think it is because if the tops are removed from the bottle, in the recycling/sorting process they fall through the grid and end up in landfill. All my recycling goes to an automated sorting centre.

Ah, thanks, I didn't know that.


Day in the office broken by a walk to Asda, now what was I really needed....Only when back at the office did I remember a pair of MN21 batteries. It then poured with rain aroound 4 so I stayed later than planned and took the car to Asda to also do some frozen food shopping. Picked up enough salad leaves as the Met Office reckons four hot days coming.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely sunny warm afternoon but now clouding over again.
Local farm shop advertised the freezers were full and ready for customers. I like their bacon even tho’ it cost more than supermarket stuff so off up I went.
Place was heaving just after lunch time and there was a queue for the cafe but I just bypass that and head for the shop.
No bacon and very little else so just got a pack of sausages. It seems the person doing the advertising had not checked the shop as they were waiting on stuff but it had not yet arrived.
Back home I found a neighbour struggling to put up new “Parking for Residents Only “ signs so got a bundle of cable ties and went to assist. Other neighbours arrived to see what we were doing so we ended up with an informal neighbourhood meeting.^_^
A grey and drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but still crampy and nauseous. Fortunately am over hump day when it comes to these things, so another couple of days and normal service will be resumed. Being stressy and having too much Adulting to do isn't helping, but hopefully by Thursday evening, the worst will be over.

Today's slug hunt yielded 29 slugs.

US Republican politics keep on giving. I wonder what kind of pills Trump's new running mate is popping...

Now sat with a :cuppa: and doing some writing. I shall pop the telly on for the footy in a moment.
Saw this on the Book of Faces and simply HAD to pinch it... :biggrin:



Itching to get back on my bike's
Working day completed


Legendary Member
Not around here they don’t. Paper, plastic and cans all go in the same bin. No staples or window envelopes tho’.

Are blue bin takes glass Not panes plastic not black Cardboard Large cardboard boxes to big for the bin must be flattened and placed next to the bin Solid plastic must not be put in the bin.nor electrical items .these I take to the dump
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