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similar to a convicted felon being illegal to vote in the state he lives in, despite him running for office. w/o special permission it's voter fraud. cheaters will always find a way to cheat

Even after they have finished their sentence?


similar to a convicted felon being illegal to vote in the state he lives in, despite him running for office. w/o special permission it's voter fraud. cheaters will always find a way to cheat

I don't have an issue with most prisoners being able to vote it's part of being active member of society. If you don't empower them to play active part in society how can you rehabilitate them? Most are going to come out at some point anyway. Governments play to the gallery , So here anyone not on remand is banned from voting. Mostly done via proxy.

I should add military prisoners in Colchester can also vote as legally they are not prisoners but solders in "corrective training". As prisoners can't be called up to serve. They only become prisoners when moved to a civilian prison as part of a sentence.
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We just got a "donation" of old battery operated lights, which I knew from experience would be broken. Trouble is we need to separate the casing, electronics, and the batteries which takes time. I suspect this is why people donate them.

Anyway, I was annoyed so I decided to see what hitting them the a big hammer achieved.

The first shattered. This was most satisfying and quicker than opening the casing and prying at the contents with a screwdriver, so I tried again.

The second somehow shot up vertically, bounced of the workbench, hit a box and exploded.

The third dented, which was boring, so I stamped on it and it also shattered. This was all very jolly, but my sensible side was kicking in and I decided to stop before something shattered in the wrong direction and hit something like an eye.

I also don't know exactly where all the bits went so I suspect we'll be finding them for weeks...
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Vice Admiral
Does anybody know what problem keeping plastic bottle tops attached to the bottle is meant to fix?

I went out in the rain last night to a nearby pub only to find it shut for a staff party. Today I went to the M&S foodhall up in Blackheath only to find it all boarded up. Food and drink is getting complicated around here.

I think it is because if the tops are removed from the bottle, in the recycling/sorting process they fall through the grid and end up in landfill. All my recycling goes to an automated sorting centre.


Leg End Member
Does anybody know what problem keeping plastic bottle tops attached to the bottle is meant to fix?

I went out in the rain last night to a nearby pub only to find it shut for a staff party. Today I went to the M&S foodhall up in Blackheath only to find it all boarded up. Food and drink is getting complicated around here.
Stop you littering, throwing the lid on the floor and with recycling machines* appearing across Europe, you recycle the entire bottle.

*tyred knows about these things.
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