Mundane News

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Would they have to take a test and immediately add "retraining?" Or do they have to take the test then wait for the ban to be lifted?

They can only take the extended test once ban is lifted. How long they actually have to wait depends on if they. Had a licence in the 1st place and or if they get a prison sentence as well.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Went down Main St. which was strangely more like it should be and not jammed with touroid.
There was even parking beside the bank so stopped and round to the ATM. “ Temporarily out of use” says the sign. Aargh.
Back home and ordered calor gas. Got a very teuchter sounding voice and very laid back but got it ordered I think. Very casual about payment. This is a working quarry so while they do supply and deliver it is a very minor part of the business.
The holiday house owner has appeared so had a fairly civilised chat aided by the other person most affected by the bin fiasco. He was building a new store for the bins but nearer the gate where they put the bins. They should really be put somewhere else as the address of the house and main entrance is on a different street.
I think he got the message but if no improvement in behaviour more action will have to be taken.
Someone just donated an eight foot tall spiky cactus to our organisation.

The transport team are not happy.
How can the legal system justify a driving ban being served whilst the person is in prison ? Is it because the person might make an escape and be tempted to drive a vehicle ? :angry:

similar to a convicted felon being illegal to vote in the state he lives in, despite him running for office. w/o special permission it's voter fraud. cheaters will always find a way to cheat
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