Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Just short of 4k step walk.
Damp underfoot but not raining
Garden bird feeders have been topped up




How can the legal system justify a driving ban being served whilst the person is in prison ? Is it because the person might make an escape and be tempted to drive a vehicle ? :angry:

It's not the ban starts once or if they ever do re apply for a licence. The court inform DVLA who put a marker on the driver license number.
Depending on the class of ban it's not just a longer test they need. They also need the say of an DLVA approved doctor.
I've had YP given a ban even though they don't have a licence. In these cases the DVLA generate a driver license number and links it to the ban. So it starts once they get a license. Given that new drivers can't have more than 6 points in 1st 2 years. I've had some who would be back to square one even before they got one.
It's not the ban starts once or if they ever do re apply for a licence. The court inform DVLA who put a marker on the driver license number.
Depending on the class of ban it's not just a longer test they need. They also need the say of an DLVA approved doctor.
I've had YP given a ban even though they don't have a licence. In these cases the DVLA generate a driver license number and links it to the ban. So it starts once they get a license. Given that new drivers can't have more than 6 points in 1st 2 years. I've had some who would be back to square one even before they got one.

Would they have to take a test and immediately add "retraining?" Or do they have to take the test then wait for the ban to be lifted?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cloudy morning but not raining and virtually no wind. Showers are forecast tho'.
I think this is Tuesday but somehow I cannot get the week organised in my head.
Yesterday was a public holiday but with touroid it would be business as usual. The medical services were all closed and we were told there would be no postal service but somehow the post came round as usual.

Text messages from Calmac telling us that due to the Tiree Music Festival many of our ferry sailings are cancelled today as they will be sending our boat to Tiree instead of serving us. Lots of people getting a bit teed off with us always being short changed in favour of somewhere else. They are short of ferries until the new ones appear but it makes it very difficult to make plans and go to eg hospital appointments with any certainty.

Need to get this machine better organised. I was typing in sealock which it insists is seasick and similar gaffes which I have to keep a constant eye on.
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Legendary Member
Good morning from a cloudy but dry Suffolk. There were a couple of rumbles of thunder last night, but the worst of the rain appears to have missed this corner of the county. Today will be domestics day as the bedding needs to be changed and there's a couple of other things to do.

Also I need to go out and get the train tickets for Saturday's trip to London from the machine at the local station. When I booked them a while ago I also opted to get a cycle reservation due to the plan being to do a repeat of the London Bridges ride I did a couple of months ago. What I didn't realise is that Saturday is the Dunwich Dynamo ride and Greater Anglia are restricting cycle carriage only to 6 pre-booked bikes per train.
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