Mundane News

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Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Alas not. After AO hiked the price northwards, I didn't think it was worth the extra £80 to get my own personal temperature-controlled Son et Lumiere... ;)

That's the downside of needing something PDQ as opposed to waiting for the Black Friday deals to kick in.

Edited to add that the friend who currently has my salvaged freezables in her custody has exactly the same spec Beko as what I ordered, but the next size down.

I haven't heard the phrase "Son et Lumiere" for a donkey's years. I wonder if they still have those shows?


Legendary Member
I went for my first ride since coming back from tour this evening, about 35 miles. It was dry and sunny but three miles down the road, it was raining so I got wet. When I was near home again, it was dry and roads were dry so obviously I picked the wrong route! If I'd went in the other direction, it might have been dry.

My bottle cage broke at the mounting bolts, seems to have suffered from a mix of rust and metal fatigue. It's been on the bike since I bought it in 1992. Things just don't last any more!

Why is when I type posts on my laptop rather than my phone, it keeps doing strange things to line spacing? :wacko:


Leg End Member
I had to tighten the brakes and fix a gear cable but overall it seems to be good.

Has anyone heard of a "Jan Ulrich" bike? I know the person was a TdF winner, but I can't find any bikes with this name online.
Could it be a Pinarello?
Have just spent the evening cataloguing the recent intake of Spedeweek issues. Most were useful, a couple were duds, but I can keep those for swapsies. This is the problem I encounter, not having a background in short oval racing and holes in my data set, insomuch that sometimes, I have to take a bit of a punt.

I've actually had to create a separate spreadsheet for them, as the Spedeweek format means that they don't mesh terribly well with my neat tables of results i.e. one programme covers multiple race meetings, and the timeframe each programme covers isn't always consistent from one issue to another, particularly in the spring and autumn when there are fewer events.
Well, I ended up re-cataloguing the whole lot. Well, 18 in total, not counting those programmes that were also produced for specific meetings. I've now got an at-a-glance listing of which ones I have and which ones are useful in terms of race entries, reports and other sundries etc. And on that note, I'm now hoofing off to bed.

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:
It is sunny here at the moment.Georgie was in his Cat Cave under the table when I went down. I have given him his breakfast and he has gone out.
My wife thinks that one of my tablets might have caused yesterday's problems. I will stop taking it today to see if things improve. I was asleep for most of yesterday. Tamsulosin to stop me getting up in the night too much. My blood pressure had dropped so causing the woozies.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I'll refrain from entering the 'true/myth' argument; I'm not sure the original audience would have seen it as "true" in the sense we do.

The loving and just God in the story would certainly have been good news to people used to the rather capricious arbitrary gods of Babylon at the time.

People in Moses' day wouldn't have been subjected to the nonsense of the Big Bang & Evolution.
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