Mundane News

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Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with gammon, one with cheddar & chutney, plus a nectarine, a persimmon and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Luncheon preparations were interrupted by the sighting of a cricket perched on the rim of my mug. How the heck it got into the house, I have no idea, but when I cupped my hands around it to go and release it outside, the little sh*t bit me. And yes, that hurt.

Off it boinged onto the sitting room carpet. I eventually it was located and captured using the jam jar and piece of thin card technique prior to being safely popped back outside.
Did you mention cake? I don't have any .... but i am rattling thru these with a nice brew ^_^
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I did mention cake. And I still have a portion of a Thornton's mini chocolate cake left for later.
Oh, i hoovered some of these down earlier as well ... whats the recommended daily sugar intake? Couple of kilos?? :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Legendary Member
Not long after I'd posted this morning about not knowing what I was doing today, I had a scam phone call to the effect of "Thank you for booking rail tickets from London to...". Which gave me the idea of a train out, bike home ride and an hour and a half later I was in Diss about to take advantage of the northerly breeze to get home. Cold, but very enjoyable.


All at sea⛵
No, I'm going to do the evil capitalist thing and sell it for as much as I can...



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry all day with a light wind so did get out on trike.
Out about 1000 on my usual route and traffic was pretty sparse. A short convoy of three oldish cars I had previously noticed parked outside a nearby hotel all waving to me as they passed.
Dressed in modified winter gear with gloves as well. In fact I have had warmer days in January so no hanging about. Not a very enjoyable run but I had to get out to keep legs moving and I am getting fed up with the same road every time but there is really no choice unless I go offroad which I have tried but just mostly too rough.
Looking forward to my next visit to the mainland where there is a greater choice of routes but that is not till early August.
Well, two out of my three bureaucratic bits have been sorted.

The insurance was a bust, as they wouldn't let me sort out mum's problem because I wasn't mum, despite that mum was sitting next to me and had given me the authorization - that went round in circles for a while, and it's half an hour of my life I won't get back. Then they had the temerity to request feedback. You can probably figure what kind of feedback they're going to get. A snotty letter will be sent, and then we'll take our trade elsewhere.

Edited the photos I took for the SCWT. That mainly involved dealing with the glowing "alien cats from outer space" eyes, as Siamese eyes are notoriously reflective. Those have also now been sent to their destination.

Also dealt with some Cat Fancy admin.

And last but not least, I will now have a fridge freezer turning up on Thursday afternoon. :dance: Ended up ordering from John Lewis, which worked out significantly cheaper than AO for the same item, and the process was completely painless to boot. I went for the same size and brand of fridge freezer as the one I had tried to buy, but without the poncy "stay fresh" vegetable drawer and one shelf less in the fridge. However, I have kept the shelves and baskets from the old fridge and freezer on the basis that these things are potentially useful, and with luck, I should be able to rig them up to fit.

My experience with AO wasn't great, and buying something from them is like buying a ticket from a budget airline.

Anyways, I now have a nice :cuppa: and a biskit.


. I went for the same size and brand of fridge freezer as the one I had tried to buy, but without the poncy "stay fresh" vegetable drawer and one shelf less in the fridge.
So you won't have the surprise of what colour light is on in the fridge. Blue being the case as I took out the milk for a mug of tea and still blue when it went back in.
Was a bit worrying first time I opened it with the inside lit in red.
So you won't have the surprise of what colour light is on in the fridge. Blue being the case as I took out the milk for a mug of tea and still blue when it went back in.
Was a bit worrying first time I opened it with the inside lit in red.

Alas not. After AO hiked the price northwards, I didn't think it was worth the extra £80 to get my own personal temperature-controlled Son et Lumiere... ;)

That's the downside of needing something PDQ as opposed to waiting for the Black Friday deals to kick in.

Edited to add that the friend who currently has my salvaged freezables in her custody has exactly the same spec Beko as what I ordered, but the next size down.
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