Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's yet another grey, breezy and chilly start to the day. Just to make the day even better, there's a few spots of rain on the kitchen window. Coffee has been had and a bowl of porridge is about to go into the microwave for breakfast.
No idea what I'm going to be doing today.


Legendary Member
My word this is getting theological.

The story of the flood is based on an older Babylonian story, and the original audience would have been familiar with this story. It's a bit like superhero stories which are repackaged for different audiences but still have the same basic elements.

What would have freaked the audience for the Noah Story, is that instead of multiple gods who didn't care much about humans (they destroyed humanity because they were 'noisy' but then they found they got hungry without sacrifices) the writer presented the God of Noah as caring for people but wanting to get rid of all the wickedness. It was quite the revolutionary concept for the time.

Destroying people because they were noisy? Sounds good to me. Can we start with people that drive Honda Civics with ridiculously loud exhausts? :whistle:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
My word this is getting theological.

The story of the flood is based on an older Babylonian story, and the original audience would have been familiar with this story. It's a bit like superhero stories which are repackaged for different audiences but still have the same basic elements.

What would have freaked the audience for the Noah Story, is that instead of multiple gods who didn't care much about humans (they destroyed humanity because they were 'noisy' but then they found they got hungry without sacrifices) the writer presented the God of Noah as caring for people but wanting to get rid of all the wickedness. It was quite the revolutionary concept for the time.

Except that the 'older' story is very mythic, while the Genesis account is plausible. None of the characters in the Bible are superheros & the events show both justice & mercy.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Booked a hotel for one night on Sunday - mini tour of North Wales - staying over else where Saturday too. Just checked bank account and I've been debited twice for the night. On to hotel, got to send copy of bank statement to them - managed to download a pdf and screen shot the necessary bits. Argh.

So much for booking direct on their web site. Had I booked via I would have got it for the same price, but with breakfast. Didn't see that direct wasn't with breakfast until confirmation came through.
Except that the 'older' story is very mythic, while the Genesis account is plausible. None of the characters in the Bible are superheros & the events show both justice & mercy.

I'll refrain from entering the 'true/myth' argument; I'm not sure the original audience would have seen it as "true" in the sense we do.

The loving and just God in the story would certainly have been good news to people used to the rather capricious arbitrary gods of Babylon at the time.
But what does it actually cost those who charge us?

Probably quite a lot, given that a normal on street parking place needs to be maintained fairly well and take a tonne or two of vehicle.


Ebiked work visit done and found I could have driven, but that would have been less fun and probably taken as long given the car cannot take a short cut through the country park. Erroneously failed to use the new shared surface alongside the road through the pine woods on the return, the reverse direction to the UCI circuit, as its on the wrong side of the road. Hit one bad surface too many for the chain and chain wheel to stay attached. Ride therefore ended with an oily finger and also getting drizzled on.
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