Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I'm going to a very large & busy retail park with MrsPete and granddaughter this morning.
Luckily, I am in charge of the two dogs and will take them for a walk at around the lakes & nature reserve behind it until we're summoned to lunch at Wagganando.


Going to sneak out to GYS and not mention the stuff that falls out of the sky.
I'll hide my waterproofs to try and fool the rain fairy. Hopefully she'll be too busy in York or somewhere else.

Depending what app / weather report you look at it could be dry this am (or part of). Traffic hopefully will be better this am, yesterdays 0816 bus from Wetherby arrived at Harrogate 49 minutes late on a journey meant to take 29 minutes.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dull morning and there is an autumnal feel outside this morning. Not raining yet tho' and it may stay like that all day.
The painter was looking at my front porch and making suggestions for improvements. I find this morning that he has rebuilt two steps late yesterday and they are hard this morning so safe to walk on but we agreed he would not paint them until I was away for a week at the beginning of August.
A lot of detail being attended to but the house should look much better tho' my bank balance will suffer.

Need to phone this morning to arrange a knee x ray to see what is going on. I found it rather strange that the GP suggested this but then asked if I thought it a good idea. I thought they were the experts and while suggesting things the patient has to ask for the procedure.


Leg End Member
£0. I'm really not a betting person and I know how little I know. But I enjoy it when a guess turns out right.
Bet with yourself. Money in a tin when you "make the bet", and it remains in there, including every other bet you make, until you "win".
You win, you collect your "winnings".


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dry for the moment Suffolk. The first coffee of the day has been had and the washing machine is doing its thing to a load of towels.

Overnight my landline was switched over to this digital voice thingie so I've plugged it in to the router as required. I'll only find out if it makes any difference if either my mum or a scammer calls as they are the only ones that use that number.
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