Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Researchers say that saving money can help you sleep!
Perhaps Joe Biden is saving too much ? :whistle:

Perhaps that is why I struggle to sleep! I don't save enough.


Depending what app / weather report you look at it could be dry this am (or part of). Traffic hopefully will be better this am, yesterdays 0816 bus from Wetherby arrived at Harrogate 49 minutes late on a journey meant to take 29 minutes.

Half ten the rain poured down at home. Could have done the necessary work visit to a business park prior to that where non employee parking is parking is pretty non existent so one for the ebike. Looks like Friday now. That bus was "only" 24 late today.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
found it. forgot I put it where it belongs. on an electronics gear shelf w/ other similar items. got it pulled apart but the battery dimensions could have been better. the specs printed on the side were close enough to give it a try, so I squeezed it all back together, including a handful of screws. charging now. no access to satellites in the back of our living room. amusing where it thinks we are right now
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I hear you have to be careful of bridges around there.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Need to phone this morning to arrange a knee x ray to see what is going on. I found it rather strange that the GP suggested this but then asked if I thought it a good idea. I thought they were the experts and while suggesting things the patient has to ask for the procedure.

It's why I ask the dentist what he would do.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear

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