Mundane News

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looking forward to my next mundane day ... ugh
Cataract taxi duty rescheduled for a Saturday in early August

good luck I hear eye surgeons can really do wonders!

I have to drop my car off for auto body repair work the beg. of August. had a little oopsie on the highway


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
well past the age of reason (7). wonder if the school has a youth debate team he can join. put those verbal skills to good use. or maybe a radio station?

My granddaughter was in a debating club and was actually on stage at a Hamtun theatre a few years ago. She enjoyed it immensely. Not sure if they have them at 'little school' though.


Well Mrs 73 is all home and unpacked and filled me in on her trip and the wedding and traditions that go with it. Seen the photos too, every time I see a US service men in uniform. All I can think of is how fake it all looks. Mrs 73 says her friends now husband is very nice and has that old school gent about him. Like opening doors for her helping in and out of chairs. Think some placers in US are like that. Personally If you tried that on with Mrs 73 she's belt you one.
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