Mundane News

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They rent flats or even bedsits were possible and I suspect at our expense. Anywhere within easy reach of the commons is at a premium.

Sadly they don't I only know of former MP Jon Mann rented a someones spare room his view was all he needed was a bed and a TV. After all who cares at how much a place is when you get your most of mortgage paid. Then when you leave you end up with london pad free to do wha you like with.

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar.
A former next door neighbour is now a MP, I won’t be able to hear her on the radio without thinking “I’ve heard you having sex.“.


Vice Admiral


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sadly they don't I only know of former MP Jon Mann rented a someones spare room his view was all he needed was a bed and a TV. After all who cares at how much a place is when you get your most of mortgage paid. Then when you leave you end up with london pad free to do wha you like with.

My information is very out of date and so is my memory sadly. We had long chats with Winnie Ewing who told us lots of funny and scurrilous stories.
The one I mostly remember is not to do with where to stay. When she got up to speak in committees she had to check that her chair was still there when she came to sit down as labour MPs sneaked up behind and moved it away as they hated her.
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