Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Hot chocolate time. Must have an early (for me) night as I'm doing taxi duties first thing on Tuesday for my step father as he's having his second cataract done.


Leg End Member
A warm day with a bit of sunshine, but a day that is getting progressively greyer.

Did not sleep well. A combo of impending lady issues and knowing I didn't dare miss the early alarm I'd set as I was expecting a parcel to be delivered. As a result, I feel grumpy and tired. And of course, the parcel has only *just* turned up. It's not one I wanted to chance with the weather, as it is my signed copy of "Don't Look Back" that I pre-ordered for my Cake Day earlier this year. I am SO looking forward to reading it.

I am also grumpy because when I went to the AO website to have another go at re-ordering the fridge freezer I wanted, the damn thing has had a significant hike in price, and is, when all the other costs are applied, now over budget. Given that previous week there was no indication that it was ever on offer, I am now rather annoyed. I strongly suspect that it's the old "push up the price so that the sale price is the actual price" in preparation for sales later in the year.

So If I want to keep in budget, I am now back to square one and may need to consider other options. My second choice (same brand, capacity and energy efficiency, but with one less fridge shelf and without the fancy "keep fresh" vegetable drawer) is now nearly £100 less as opposed to £40 less. So I need to decide whether that's a compromise I'm willing to make in order to stay in budget, or whether I will need to look at alternatives.

On the flip side, my second choice fridge freezer is available from John Lewis, and as I have bought electricals from JL before (phone & printer), hopefully the bank's payment system won't throw a wobbly.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.
You're sure it wasn't Grumpy and Sleepy?


Leg End Member
Because the government didn't understand the question.
They shut the one down in the local town hall, and the bars in the town hall and local council offices.

I'd previously objected to both buildings having an alcohol licence, when their applications came up, on the basis that the public weren't there to pay for cheap drinks for 51 people and their families in the town hall, and a limited number of council employees in the council offices. Supervisors and above only.
@Reynard, "that bike" was sold for £10 hammer price, plus fee's

That's pretty cheap - less than £20 all in. Someone got a nice project there.


Rephrase the question? Stop the MPs getting a three course meal for (I guess £7) when too many of the population are using foodbanks. Somewhere there must be a price list for meals in the restaurant.

Don’t worry we’ve now a county before party government. Who so fair has a health sec with link to private health inc £175k in donations. Being advised by Milburn who open it up and did PFI. With more links to private health then you can name. 2 ex MPs who fiddled expenses. One paid back £12k. A Peerage for someone’s sister. Along with other minor jobs for the boys.

What’s worse about the restaurant and bar is if you visit parliament to meet your MP. if they take you to them. As a visiter you’re not allowed to buy anything. So MPs claim it all back.
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