Mundane News

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It is raining here, lightly but it is wet out .
Georgie came in all wet last night. He was all over me . Strange that! :whistle:
I picked up a load of plastic kits on the way down to Chudleigh. Well it was on the way and the chap only wanted £10 for them. I have been looking through them , they are a mixture with some already started , some with bits missing . They are a mixture of different scales, mostly aircraft but one submarine kit which my wife wants to see built. It is a Revell 1/144 Mk 21 with one side open showing the internal bits.
I was looking through the kits to see what was there. A Revell 1/72 B24 Liberator, 1/72 Bristol Beaufort, Polish make, 1/72 Vultee V11 America pre war aircraft, 2x 1/72 Jaguars possibly Heller, a 1/72 Harrier. 2x 1/48 Harriers one appears to be complete an Airfix Sea Harrier FA2, the other a Tamiya mostly there part built. A Revell submarine. I think I did pretty well and it should keep me busy for a while .


Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey, overcast and very wet Suffolk. The first coffee of the morning was being finished just as I got the phone call to say that taxi duties were not required as my step father has picked up a water infection (a regular problem due to other issues he has) so the cataract operation will have to be postponed. I may look to get a recycling centre booking to get rid of the last of the dismantled old furniture from last week instead. The grass could also do with a cut, but I doubt that it will dry out enough today for that to happen.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
There's a subsidised canteen at my place of work. Many companies have them. Ours is £1:70 for a Full English, Dinner or Evening/night priper meal..
Possibly not the same chefery as the HoC but still nice 😊


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bright sunny morning but sod's law means I have a GP appointment mid morning and rain is forecast by the afternoon.
I try to avoid travelling to Oban the long way round by Corran Ferry due to the distance and not a road I like anyway. There seems to be constant reports of road closures on the A82 at the junction for the ferry. The road layout has not change since horse and cart was the main traffic so the A82 is fast and coming out of the Corran Ferry road turning right safely is not easy where lots make misjudgments before the screech and bang.
Where we lived in Bowling you could hear a vehicle approaching a slight corner too fast followed by bang, tinkle, tinkle. When the ambulance arrived the crew automatically headed for our kitchen where they knew that was where to find the casualties dripping blood on our floor.
We got so fed up with this I changed jobs to escape.


Legendary Member
Cataract taxi duty rescheduled for a Saturday in early August before the football season starts which saves having to negotiate all the traffic.
Recycling centre booking made for an hour's time, but there's no chance of getting the grass cut as it started raining again about half an hour ago and it looks set in for a while.
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