Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Working day is completed
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with the last of the turkey, the other with cream cheese, plus a nectarine and a banana and two :cuppa:

Tidied up the writing I did this morning while waiting for my parcel to be delivered, and then did the required fettling on Wiggy #2 the Chartres. Re-tensioned the RD cable, though I noticed that it is a little frayed where it goes into the clamp on the derailleur. May be time to replace it... Also cleaned and lubed what was quite a mucky drivetrain.

While doing that, I discovered a screw stuck in the sidewall of the rear tyre like you'd stick a safety pin through fabric. It obviously hadn't gone through the puncture protection or through the tube, but how the heck that got there, I don't know... Either way, a new Schwalbe Durano is definitely on the agenda.

Went out to test my fettling. At first there wasn't much improvement in terms of slipping, but then that cleared up, and the gears shifted smoothly. The exception is the two smallest cogs on the cassette, where the shift jumps from the first cog to the third. Not sure whether it's a cable issue, limit screw issue or whether the RD hanger is squiffy.

That aside, I had a lovely ride up to Red Caps, and came home the long way round.

Anyways, now sat down with a nice :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
After me going out and leaving the car ready for garage collection they never turned up so braved the street chaos to go down and see why this was. Another cruise liner disgorging and I noticed the car in front of me stopped beside one bunch on the street with a few words of “ advice” to get off the bl—-y street.
Lunch time collection arranged and car now back but they did not stamp the service book so need to get that done tomorrow before I forget.
A nice sunny day but the trike was in the car so just left it in case the car was away overnight.
Being the first good day for a couple of weeks the house exterior painter appeared and did a steady day’s work but not nearly finished


Nice gentle hour in the garden in the late afternoon sun. Grass all cut, dead heading done and baskets and tubs watered.


Ebiked to Lidl for store cupboard items and fruit. A stack of vans and footpath closed signs meant I initially missed a cycle path outbound. On the return a strange rubbing noise from the front wheel. Nearly convinced myself it was a stuck disc brake plunger. Back home spinning the wheel suddenly caused a very loud noise and then a stiff dried up leaf fell out from between the wheel and mudguard.


Legendary Member
I was right - the sunshine didn't last. By midday it was mostle cloudy and had cooled down by a couple of degrees although the rain held off until about an hour ago. Rather enjoyed the 50 mile ride up to Beccles and enjoyed the fish, chips and beer even more. Don't think my back has fully recovered from the three days of bending over assembling furniture though as I had to stop part way for a decent stretch.
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