Mundane News

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It was foggy here to start off this morning. It has now brightened up with broken cloud.
We drove down to Chudleigh on Friday afternoon. It was terrible! Low cloud and rain. The spray was terrible! We arrived back home yesterday.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks like another day of mixed sun and rain.
When I was out earlier it felt like a nice autumn morning.
I was out unlocking the car and leaving the keys in for the garage to collect for a service tho' it has still not gone. Hope they are not planning on leaving it too long as I need it tomorrow.
The shrubs beside my garden path are getting a bit too big and causing obstruction so a visit with the shears is urgent.
Honeysuckle which all houses should have by their door is the worst so start there and work down.
I left a holly which appeared a bit too long and it will need a chainsaw soon I fear.
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Legendary Member
Today is 'Decorate the Bathroom Day' .

I have some balloons and tinsel left over from Christmas 🎅 you can have.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's bright and sunny with almost no wind - it wont last.

The first coffee of the day has been had and the recycling bin has been emptied so that needs to be retrieved. After that the day is free so I think it's a bike ride out somewhere, lunch & train home time.
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