Mundane News

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Legendary Member
At least I've not missed much weather wise having spent today indoors - once the morning rain stopped it was just miserably grey, then the drizzle commenced mid afternoon followed by a downpour at about tea time, then back to the lighter rain we have now, although the radar is showing more heavy stuff potentially heading this way.

Also this afternoon the new broadband router was delivered ahead of the switchover to 'digital voice'. Setting it up will be easy, changing all the wi-fi details and passwords on my various devices on the other hand...
Haven't we been voting between pathological liars?

Well, that's one definition of politicians, I suppose - and a largely accurate one. But Trump is bendier than a bent paperclip and more slippery than a greased rugby ball in a rainstorm.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Yes, I still have some candles from that era, will they still work?

If you got wane candles, no. Wax, yes.
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