Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Why not legal?
Motor output, more than the 250w continuous permitted by the current EPAC regulations on e-assist cycles.


Damp grey old sort of morning feels more like early autumn. Morning walk all done , seen of Mrs73 to work. Early call to town then house work catch up.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where, to add to the disappointingly grey and chilly start to the day, it has just started raining. Wasn't summer lovely last week. Lousy night's sleep due to a combination of knackered legs & back with all the moving of stuff around the house and the cooler night.

The first coffee of the day has just been finished and next up is shunting the remaining bits out of my bedroom into the spare room ready for the carpet fitting to be finished. Even worse is that it's still got to be put back again later, along with everything moved last night. Why do I have so many books and CDs?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another grey drizzly morning
Summer must be approaching as I saw a few swallows the other day. They nest at a farm just outside of town and used to be always seen feeding near the road. Lots of them in the past but very few this year. My wildlife pal usually had a couple of pairs nesting in his outbuildings but never noticed any the last time I was up there.
What we have instead is touroid wanting to sit in at local club meetings like the camera club which has moved to Salen 10 miles away. I am not interested in driving there and in any case the membership has changed a lot since I was involved as club secretary.
Ernie has coughed up £125 this month. Not much but consistent.
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