Mundane News

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As long as I breathe, I attack.


Another grey drizzly morning
Summer must be approaching as I saw a few swallows the other day. They nest at a farm just outside of town and used to be always seen feeding near the road. Lots of them in the past but very few this year. My wildlife pal usually had a couple of pairs nesting in his outbuildings but never noticed any the last time I was up there.
What we have instead is touroid wanting to sit in at local club meetings like the camera club which has moved to Salen 10 miles away. I am not interested in driving there and in any case the membership has changed a lot since I was involved as club secretary.
Ernie has coughed up £125 this month. Not much but consistent.

Not seen swallows round here for years now ,only ever see them when we take a trip to north Yorkshire. We use to have plenty and house martins are now very thin on the ground too. Only a handful this year and the ones who nest on the house have not been back for 3 years now. The one and only pair of swifts that have nested round the back of next door are not here either. They've been coming for well over 50 years. What with the climate and all the trapping that happens on way from Africa it's a wonder any of them make it.


Vice Admiral
The Bremium Pond has been very generous today. ^_^ (£475)

I am sending you all a virtual cake of your choice. I will also be sending a donation to the Community Cupboard in this town. It is rather like a Food Bank but concentrates on fresh fruit and vegetables. These are donated by people who grow their own vegetables, and the Cupboard gets "close to sell by" produce from local shops.


Day in the office. They are splitting us into two teams, one having potentially longer journeys when WAH, the other with a boss I do not get on with. So the one day a big win on the premium bonds would be appreciated I got nothing.
Things improved this pm as I got a boiler service rescheduled to this Friday from the 18th. Was expecting some date after the 18th.


Right that's voting done all ready to hand in tomorrow. Came down to two lesser parties in the end for what it's worth.
I did think of putting a notice up saying no election leaflets. No need in the end we've had 2 and 2 direct mails. The labour ones Mrs 73 opened hers so went in shedder. One addressed to me went back marked return to sender and remove from mailing list.
The rest went in the recycling and now after being emptied this morning are on way to pulp. Was not expecting anything from the small parties they cant do big campaigns. But the rest It's been a total none event really no real effort.
It's been a cool and humid day here chez Casa Reynard, raining early doors and sunny now.

Went with a dear friend and her dogs - plus another dog she sometimes dog-sits - to Brandon Country Park. We had a fabulous time walking one of the longer trails through the forest and heath, and were right proper knackered after. We did get rained on, but nothing we couldn't deal with. Had a nice picnic lunch, and then did one of the shorter signed walks among the specimen trees. They've got a redwood which is huge when you're up close to it, but it's tiddly by redwood standards. Kind of mind-boggling really...

We've got plans to go back in September and do the long trail. That'll take about an hour and a half longer to do than the one that we did today, which took us two and a half hours.

Now chilling out with a :cuppa: and a biskit. Changing back into dry clothes on return home was rather blissful. Plus it dealt with the issue concerning the overpowering aroma of muddy and wet dog. I do need some GT85 for my knees, though...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A lazy day. Went out at midday to chop some branches from a hedge at the holiday house which are getting too friendly with my car parked there and got soaked by the rain which got heavier just then.
Donated the bits back over the hedge.
Cold miserable afternoon and I fell asleep again after lunch which I hate doing.
Unusual sighting of a couple of chaffinches. We get the occasional robin, blue tit and a wren but usually house sparrows are the only birds around.
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