Mundane News

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It is grey here.
I'm not having a good day. It started off last night with a migraine. In the night I had a headache which seemed to still be there this morning. I took 2 Parrots and then went back to bed. I woke up at 11 still not with it. I might have another nap soon.


:banghead:Vets are digging in and saying we have outstanding balance on our account. After a few phone calls they have now looked into it turns out we over paid on insurance excess. They hold it for next lot of insurance but they used it pay off a different appointment. So because they used it in error then moved it back so we still have outstanding balance. :wacko: Can't get them to see how ever it got used they messed up so it's not our problem.


Legendary Member
Carpet fitting ongoing and judging by the noise they've found quite a few unexpected nails where the old stuff had been laid on the stairs.

I'm now on 5 cleaned and lubed bikes with 2 more to go after a coffee break. As the fitters are here all day I've been able to book a slot to get rid of the old wardrobes.

Is it possible to ban tradesmen from listening to Radio 1 or Kiss FM? I haven't the heart to tell them the track they're listening to uses a sample from Steve Miller Band's Abracadabra which they can't identify 😁


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Ferry bookings made but not for the days I wanted.
As usual I had to park at the pier entrance on the bit which says "no parking". Nowhere else to park and anyone needing on to the pier would know where to find me anyway.
We actually have a better ferry service than we ever had but the floods of touroid cluttering up the boats means local residents cannot just make an on the spot decision to travel when it suits.
Street very quiet which considering the weather is not surprising. A delivery van with a large trailer load of probably building material has to double park while waiting to get to his delivery point due to cars parked on the pavement side.
A cool and grey day here chez Casa Reynard, with the sun occasionally tries to break through.

Slept really well, but still working on a bit of a sleep deficit. I have puttered about in the garden some, moving some deadfall for the parental unit, who is currently in the midst re-stocking the bins for kindling and small wood. As it keeps her busy and active, I'm more than happy to humour her. The remainder of the morning has been spent writing.

I need to do some erranding this afternoon, but I shall undertake that while I'm out on a bicycular bimble as it saves me an extra trip out. There is rain forecast, so I want to get that done sooner rather than later. Ergo I shall leave watering all the pots and planters till half time of France v Belgium.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


I don't think anyone wants to get elected locally, not had one person knock.

That's usually the case here, it's a Tory safe seat so nobody bothers canvassing. The swing needed to eject Cleverly from here is bigger than the swing needed to install Starmer in No. 10.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with the last of the ribeye steak, the other with cheddar and homemade pineapple chutney, plus a nectarine, some blueberries and two :cuppa:

Scanned a bunch of stuff that needed scanning, and then I popped out for the aforementioned bicycular bimble. Stopped to post a letter. Maybe should have gone to a different post box, as there was a book exchange next to it. And I came home with three books stuffed down the front of my cycling jacket. :laugh:

Was OK wearing shorts, but it was very definitely a windproof & showerproof jacket kind of day. And it started to rain at half time in the footy, so no need to water anything. Only downside of a nice ride was being spat at by some young bozos in a passing car.

Anyways, I am enjoying a nice :cuppa: and a mini salted caramel & chocolate cup cake.
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