Mundane News

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And what pray is wrong with that - ? :whistle:
When we invested in a much bigger shed a couple of years ago, the GLW promptly took over the original one for.... the storage of cat food - ! :laugh:

Nothing at all! :biggrin:

Means I have more cupboard space for books!
@Illaveago - I'm wondering if Georgie didn't get shut in somewhere...

He was locked in our bedroom when we went to Cornwall but that was because he was hiding under the bed. He was alright after that. He seems to like staying out at the moment. Last night he was playing with a mouse on next doors lawn. He popped in last night but didn't stay long as we had a friend round.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
About time you turned up and did your job, Ernie!!
See you tomorrow, hopefully 😏


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's a fairly sunny start to the day. The first coffee of the day is nearly finished and I'll shortly be moving the last couple of bits out of the living room and awaiting the arrival of the carpet fitters. As it looks to be a dry day, I'm going to move some other stuff into the back garden so at least I can use the indoor shed to do a bit of bicycle maintenance. You don't realise just how much stuff/junk you've got until you need to move & store it!


Lovely sunny morning but with a bit o a nip in air. Just seen off Mrs 73 on her 1st day of her new job. Induction all week then a nice steady start for 3 months being supernumerary. That's the plan anyway she a lot of stuff to learn about the workings of the dept. But she's got some great support in place so she really up for the challenge.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Happy anniversary @postman and Mrs.

Grey, damp morning with viz down to a few hundred yards.
Got some beef stewing on the stove which is always a bit of a mystery until I taste it. I must try not to complicate things.
Beef is from Aldi but I could get really good stuff locally tho' the prices tend to be eye watering.

After 0900 I need to go down and try to get ferry bookings sorted out after that **** hospital has mucked up my appointments again. Trouble is they may well change it all again and I can only change my booking 3 times before I have to send the tickets for a refund [ for which they charge ] and start all over again.
I also need a day trip to Oban but that is complicated by other events.
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