Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A day of contrasting weather.
Started out on trike at 1030 when the thermometer read 13C so pretty well wrapped up. There seemed to be rain approaching so did not linger and really it was just exercise rather than enjoyment. Got back just as the Sunday drivers appeared enmass.
Afternoon sun out and temp rose to low 20's so went up into my garden, sat down and fell asleep.
The grass has been cut but the neighbour who does it cuts everything and has removed a nice patch of snowdrops. He has also taken his mower up through my jungle to give me a path to my top shed so I am not disposed to complain about the snowdrops.
The house exterior painter also appeared to take advantage of the good weather. This goes on for ages as he does a bit and then vanishes for several days. I have a photo of him as a schoolboy somewhere so may print a copy if I can find it. This will be a print as it was well before the advent of digital.

RTC at Corran ferry again so the A82 is shut both ways.


It now acts as a storage cupboard for cat food.
And what pray is wrong with that - ? :whistle:
When we invested in a much bigger shed a couple of years ago, the GLW promptly took over the original one for.... the storage of cat food - ! :laugh:


A couple of days ago, I was waiting at the checkout at a local supermarket when the lass on the till and the customer she was serving; both of a 'certain age', suddenly burst into song with 'There's a Hole in my Bucket'.
I promptly joined in, but we noticed that the young lass in front of me had that po faced expression of 'OMG, I've walked into a nuthouse, get me out of here - !' :cry:
Some folk are just so serious - ! :laugh:


Legendary Member
As nobody has done or said anything stupid that's made the press* I have made my decision and my vote is in the post. The non-recycling bin has also been moved to the front of the house ready for emptying in the morning and the dismantled wardrobes have been loaded into the car in the off chance that the fitters finish early and I can get a booking at the recycling centre.

It is now time for a hot chocolate.

*apart from the usual suspects and they weren't even on my long list, let alone the short list
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