Mundane News

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@PeteXXX You replaced your tent yet ? Only ask as you may want to look at Alpkit they have midseason sale.
Thousands of UK bank customers have been hit by payment problems affecting some of the biggest High Street lenders.

Banks including HSBC, Nationwide, Barclays and Virgin Money were all affected by issues with a system that operates payments between individuals and firms.

Not what stopped you is it?

My first attempt was on Wednesday night, so no, I don't think so.


Legendary Member
A little walk to deliver my brothers and sister in laws Wedding Anniversary card,it is this Sunday.Which is also ours,me and Mrs P chose the same date,how that happened i have no idea.30th June 1990.On another note FIL is settled in at The Tom Finney Centre near Preston North Ends ground,Not seen him yet.All info is coming second hand.It is going to be a long haul.The arm break is actually the elbow joint itself.He needs help with everything.My walk included a stop off for a latte.Now worrying for me i seem to be short of breath but not wheezy,short shallow breathing,i am confused,and i am wondering why the chest x ray yesterday.


My Asos order has arrived most of it now repacked to send back. Just had a look and they are offering extra discount off sale. So reordered size down and a couple more shirts. At £7.50 each was not turning them down.


The view from our hotel room balcony, drinking wine and eating peanuts with SWMBO.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The rain stopped about lunch time so turned into a sunny afternoon but still windy. Dark clouds are looming again so probably rain starting soon.
Neighbour got his own and my front grass cut but not not looked up my top garden as I think it needs strimmed before the mower goes over it.
House painter should have been back but no sign of him. He apparently has several jobs on the go and alternates as the mood takes him. My porch is splattered with white and will need repainting so I left a new tin of the right shade lying out handy.
Used a rattle tin on a container for emergency tools for the trike which fits in a bottle holder. Sod’s law of course and the nozzle clogs up and nothing handy to clear it but there is enough to hide the contents. Not that anybody is likely to nick it but better to be on the safe side.
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