Mundane News

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One other option I've got is to buy the slightly cheaper but same-sized one from John Lewis (only 3 shelves in fridge as opposed to 4, and no poncy light in the salad compartment) and just get an extra shelf from somewhere.

I've recently bought a smartphone and a printer from JL without any hassle.

Think you may get a free extended warrenty from John Lewis.
It's a worry when your Puddytat doesn't show up! He was with me yesterday up by the pond wanting a fuss but I haven't seen him since that . It doesn't look like he's been in overnight as his biscuits haven't been touched. He usually pops in for his soft food in the morning. It could be payback for us going away for a few days.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain, rain and more rain with some wind but not quite gale force.
Another indoors day I think.
The person who died in Oban seems to be well known and respected but no clue as to the circumstances and the A85 got opened at 2000 yesterday.
Much fury here as the last ferry from Oban did not wait for the train passengers as the train was 10 minutes late arriving.
Lack of communication blamed.
In any case you have to be able to sprint with luggage from station to ferry the timing is so tight.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright and very breezy corner of Suffolk. Coffee has been had along with the last couple of dark chocolate Hobnobs from the pack that was only opened yesterday.
No plans for today except to have a move around of the bikes stored in the outside shed to make space for two or three from the indoor storage which will give some extra space to store bits from the living room on Monday when the carpets are done.


Dull and cool day on the cards a notable change from the last few days. Not really have much planned today as we had planned on day out. But Mrs 73 was not feeling up to it this morning so think it's a catch up day on the stuff. It was just either too hot to bother with or just left for time to to enjoy the sunny weather.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Maz's lad has been there since Tuesday I'll give you the same advice we gave him........ Wells Next The Sea is only 18 miles down the Coast Road, well worth a daytrip.

Yes, but that's Norfolk miles. That said, it is worth a visit. We got lost one stormy day & came across Binham Priory in a thunderstorm!. Very atmospheric.
It's a cool, breezy and overcast day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but still working on a bit of a sleep deficit after the stresses of the last week and a bit. Am taking a break from dealing with fridge freezers till after the weekend. I do have options after the omnishambles with AO. There's always Currys (though it's not my preferred option) and John Lewis, though now the one they have is currently out of stock. Plus the friend who is currently hosting some of my stuff in her fridge freezer has offered to order it for me.

I have had a quiet morning. I finally set up my printer with this laptop - just the basic set-up as opposed to the full suite of software. I then printed off the chapter I'm currently working on. As I had thought, it *IS* too long - reading a hard copy of the draft has confirmed that. Splitting it will make the action much more reader-friendly, and I've got a perfect spot to split it, right at a point of conflict. I've also made some other corrections, though the re-write has really helped polish it.

This afternoon's plans are a little bit up in the air, but I will need to pop into town at some point for bread, milk, a bit of fruit & veg and petrol for the car. I will buy UHT milk, as I don't have to store it in the fridge until opened. Likewise, I'll pick up fruit & veg that will keep reasonably well outside of a fridge.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


Legendary Member
Shopping trip into Felixstowe for coffee and pasta has confirmed that it's overcast breezy and a lot cooler than the past few days. There's still people on the beach determined to have a day by the sea despite the change in the weather.

Space has been made in the outside shed for at least two more full sized bikes and the folder, with possibly a third bike if I'm careful.

Also I think I've finally decided who to vote for, but I'm not going to complete the postal vote paperwork until Sunday evening just in case there's yet another revelation in the press.
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