Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Happy anniversary to the @cyberknights.

Sunshine vanished by mid morning and it turned a bit miserable but not yet raining.
Mebbe it is just me being miserable as I have done something to my back and standing up is excruciating. Paracetamol does not seem to help much and if not getting less bad by tomorrow I need to consult the medics.
Today's post brought two invitations for medical appointments but not till the end of July so not mush help and on past experience one to a cardiologist will probably be cancelled by them next week.
Near the car park entrance yesterday I saw two black flat bar Bromptons propped against railings and not locked. They looked as if they were just dumped there. They could have been from the cruise ship but not the kind of bike they would lend or hire and they looked very new somehow.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
@Reynard Has Captain Pugwash got his boat unstuck yet!? 🤔 😂


Vice Admiral
75 to 150 gallons an hour, rising to a possible 200 gallons per hour for the industrial one.

Thank you. I will try to measure my usage by filling a bucket, and see how long it takes.

:scratch: How much water does a large black bucket hold?

Even more shocking, imo, is that he charged my nieghbour in the region of £500 for three hours work.


So which is it a debate or Miss Marple, one seeks and tells the truth , the other is a total work of fiction.
Miss Marple it is then.


Legendary Member
Back in Stranraer again.

I sailed from Brodick to Troon this time as I thought it would be easier for me. I didn't eat any breakfast with the intention of buying it on the ferry but then discovered they don't provide food on that service and even the vending machine was empty. It was 11:40 before we docked in Troon and I was rather hungry so first thing was to find food!

I then decided to backtrack to Irvine to potter around the Maritime Museum, which sort of negated the point of sailing to Troon in the first place.

I then cycled along NCN7 7 to Ayr and had a potter around and then realised it was much later than I thought it was so I just folded the bike up and got a bus to here. I had plans to around theheads of Ayr but it would have taken too long.

I was pleased I could ride straight to Ayr bus depot without getting lost or needing assistance. My memory for directions isn't as bad as I thought!

Now waiting for dinner. I've felt hungry all day since I missed breakfast.


Legendary Member
There might be a reason why cycle-touring never helps me to lose weight.🤔

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