Mundane News

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Have you checked how many fish are in the tank?

none now, the last 2 died of swim bladder disease.
At work, two bikes scrapped, one ready for sale.

If anyone wonders why charity shop prices aren't lower, one reason is when people use our loading ramp to dump the cr*p they don't want but can't be bothered to take to the tip. This morning I found generous citizens had donated a broken table, a grubby chair, a box of miscellaneous items, and two cushions. Most of this will have to be disposed of, and we have to pay commercial rates for the privilege.

We know from experience that items 'donated' overnight are generally rubbish, which is why people deliberately come when nobody is here.

I thought it was only this country that that happened?
A hot and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, but there's a bit of a breeze where it's less sheltered.

Slept OK, but it took a while to drop off. Morning plans were scuppered by the parental reminding me that her prescription was due like right this minute, so I had to drop everything else to put it in. My car is now shouting at me that a) it needs petrol and b) that it wants an oil change. I can solve the first by dumping in the gallon can I have for the mower, and I need to check the manual to see what I can do about the second. IIRC the garage did the whole shebang when I bought it, and I've done less than 2500 miles since.

I shall also be ordering the new fridge freezer later. Only one place that *isn't* Currys ( stocks the one that meets my criteria, so that makes life significantly easier.

This afternoon's tasks will involve finishing the clear-up of the utility room, and, if it's not too hot, have a gentle bicycular bimble. Otherwise, a camping chair and a book may well be the preferred option.

Anyways it is almost time for luncheon.

If it's only done 2,500 miles since the last service why does it need an oil change?
Had a lovely luncheon of the last of the turkey curry on toast, plus a banana, some blueberries and two :cuppa:

Dumped the gallon of petrol in the car, hung out the soggy floor cloths to dry and moved the last of the stuff in the utility room that needed to move. All that's left to do is sweep the floor and move the saw horse and a bin of kindling.

Had a lovely bicycular bimble, riding a nice loop to Pymoor and back. I spotted a couple more walnut trees, but alas, they're in someone's garden...

Now sat with a :cuppa: whilst watching the football.
If it's only done 2,500 miles since the last service why does it need an oil change?

That's what I need to work out.

Probably just wants some software reset, I think. I shall have a look at the owner's manual to see if I can cancel the warning.


Slight panic post WAH. Ebay message saying my squirrel proof suet ball feeder had been delivered by postie. Dash outside and nothing. I had seen him drive down the adjacent private drive and then speak to a neighbour elsewhere. Went to see them and the parcel he was trying to deliver elsewhere was indeed mine and had been left with them.
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