Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Parcel has been dropped off and a few domestics done. The coffee break is now over and I suppose I'd better head into town for a bottle bank run and to do some shopping to get something to eat for today's tea. This may include a diversion for a leisurely ride along the seafront to enjoy the onshore breeze cooling things down a fraction.


Legendary Member
Did a bit of weeding in the garden before it got to hot.


Today is Shed Proofing Day. I might identify as a person of colour by the time it's finished. Autumn Gold, to be exact.

Thats the colour I tried to overcoat with light oak. Just darkened it slightly.

Rather hot lunchtime trek to the Co-Op to make an Amazon return at the in store post office. A Garmin-Go Pro adaptor which transpired to allow a Go-Pro to be mounted under a suitable Garmin mount and not allowing a Garmin to be fitted to a Go-Pro mount.
It's a hot, humid and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Sleep was only middling, but it's getting better. I've spent the morning puttering about in the garden doing the things I ought to have done yesterday but didn't. This afternoon's task is to make a dent in tidying up the mess in the utility room.

I also have some laundry that needs doing, but I need to make sure that the floor and rugs are mostly dry first.

Chances are I will probably end up doing another tip run this week as I might as well take the opportunity to have a bit of a cull. I am, however, planning on keeping the wire shelves and baskets out of the old fridge and freezer, as they will make handy plant racks / log stores.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.


Leg End Member
Things are getting dear these days!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Gardener appeared very promptly this morning so had to stagger out to explain what I wanted done.
Managed a short walk after lunch but got delayed be a group being lectured in the middle of the golf course entrance by some “expert” I have never seen before.
I waited till he had finished his spiel before continuing home.
Could not hear what he was saying but on past experience of these types it is probably some garbled nonsense he has picked up from a book.
Since there was now watery sunshine I sat in my garden for a while and then pulled a few weeds. If I do this every time I go up there I may make some impression and let the flowers have a bit of space.
Jerusalem artichokes are a problem and I think I will resort to weedkiller as the only way to get rid of them since I can no longer be bothered digging them up to eat. They do taste quite nice but are far to intrusive.
Had a lovely luncheon of a steak sandwich, half a punnet of cherries and two :cuppa:

The floor and the two rugs in the utility room were dry, so on went the load of laundry. And then I made good inroads into the whole tidying up lark. All the boxes of cat food are now properly stashed away in the old (non-working) chest freezer. The selection of tools that don't get used much have been banished back to the garage, as have some items of furniture. Things that really should be in the cupboards in the house have been moved there, my tinned goods are now in a single crate, as are the toiletries and cleaning products, and I've also sorted out a giant hopper full of empty jam jars.

There is now enough clearance for the new fridge freezer to be brought into the utility room. Tomorrow's task is to move my fruit & veg store, chuck the ironing board and the clothes drying racks into the garage and clear up the soggy towels / newspapers / broken bits of fridge and freezer. Then the last thing I will need to do is get the measurements of the fridge freezer I am intending to buy and just check that it a) fits through the door and b) fits in the space where it has to go.

I am now knackered, and have sat down with a nice :cuppa:
Also spotted that fluffy black cat that I've been seeing around here on-and-off for the last six months or so. I'm not sure if it belongs to anyone, but it *could* possibly be one of the Rodent Control Officers from some of the various nearby stables.

It's thin, but not too thin, and a little bit scruffy. Not overly concerning, but it's not got the neat and sleek look of an "owned" house cat. Having said that, I've only ever seen it from a distance before - this is the first time I've managed to get a good look at it. Didn't determine the plumbing arrangement because of the coat, but going by the lack of jowls, I do not think it is an entire male.

Madam Lexi, who was dozing on the drive, was completely oblivious to it until I started talking to the other cat, who looked like it wanted to drink from the water bowl I keep by the front door in warm weather. Black cat trotted off into the hedge and the Lexter went into "prowl mode" but didn't fluff up. It does make me wonder if she's familiar with this cat...

I think the way forward will be to try and trap it, check for a chip (unlikely, but always worth checking), do bloods, neuter if needed and try to establish ownership.
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