Mundane News

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I had a lovely day stewarding at the joint shows in Ware yesterday. Handled some absolutely fabulous cats. My judge had two Olympian classes, so that's a bit of everything - one of the classes had 16 cats in it, spanning from Exotics right through to Balinese. After that, we had mainly Burmese, Asians, Ocicats and Russians. I learned a lot, and handled three breeds I've never had before - Suffolk, Snowshoe and Russian Black. We also had a load of Best of Variety judging, and the cat that my judge put up as BoV Section 5 - an absolutely stunning Burmilla - went overall Best in Show in both shows. I also got roped into stewarding for Best of Variety in the Household Pet section.

My signature technique of removing a cat from its pen seemed to be quite popular - and made several other judges say "now why didn't I think of that!". Namely, that if a cat is ensconced in its bed / litter tray / under a blanket, I just lift up the whole shebang out of the pen and put it on the judge's trolley. It can look a bit daft, but it stresses the cats out a lot less, which is always a good thing. The judge then simply unpacks the cat while I put the accessories back into the pen. We had one Cornish Rex that we were told wasn't very happy to be handled, but I just took him out of the pen, bed and all, and he just lay there purring away.

The judge I was working for must've been happy with me, because she asked me to steward for her at the Supreme. If I hadn't already been booked for that show by one of the Household Pet judges, I'd have said yes, but I do have a provisional booking for Cam Cat next year.

Today I had a lazy day watching loads of motor racing. A friend also dropped by to collect her share of the roast turkey and curry. I treated her dogs to a sausage each. And I won an issue of Wheelspin from 1985 on the 'bay.

Anyways, now it is time for a :cuppa:
And after a :cuppa: and a slice of chocolate cake, it is time for bed.

Nunnight one and all xxx :wacko:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Oops I read 5.53 as 6.53 so went downstairs to make a cuppa and as I got nearly at the last step I thought that noise sounded like a really loud fridge and sure enough on entering the kitchen at the ice house the freezer door was wide open.
So just emptied it all out.
Made a cuppa and come back to bed.
Oh it's a lovely day outside and the rat race traffic is just starting.


Morning back to WAH today. Discovered empty suet ball feeder on the lawn surrounded by the chief suspects, Wood Pigeon, Magpie and Squirrel. Did order one in a protective cage yesterday to deter such.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wet outside when I got up this morning. Not actually raining but just solid dampness with no wind. Now a bit windy but still wet.
Nothing urgent to do today and certainly not a triking day in this weather. The forecast for the immediate future does not look any better.
Touroiud complaining they cannot get booked for a holiday to the Utter Hebs and some clown suggests going to Mull instead. No thought that those of us who live there cannot get on any ferries because of these clowns.

The guy on Coll who lost his kayak when it floated away on the rising tide has now got it back.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright, sunny and already nicely warm Suffolk. The first coffee of the day has been had and the next order of business is a stroll to the Post Office to drop off a parcel. When I get home I'll retrieve the recycling bin from wherever it's been left after being emptied and move it to the back of the house.
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