Mundane News

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Leg End Member
The constituency boundaries here have changed for this election, and I'm now in a newly-created one where the outcome is uncertain. So all the parties seem to be making something of an effort for once.

The upsides of the boundary change is that I'm now in a constituency where the educated, well-informed and outward-looking liberal actually has a useful voice. That makes a nice change.
Boundary changes here as well. Exactly where I'm uncertain, and uncertain as to which way they moved it.

There's one road on the edge of local election boundary where you're in a different borough depending on which door you come out off. Front or back.
I see!
We're too much of a distraction are we.


I'd written myself into something of a corner and was struggling to find an exit strategy. Leaving this particular section to one side (a largely enforced break due to the Brooklands drawing office project) has definitely given me a fresh perspective.

Changing a character from being a neutral who doesn't know what's going on and has to have stuff explained to them just to move the plot along, to someone who becomes an antagonist because they smell a rat when some explanations don't meet their expectations suddenly makes all the difference.

And that way, my main character now has an antagonist in the present as well as in the past.

I'd written myself into something of a corner and was struggling to find an exit strategy. Leaving this particular section to one side (a largely enforced break due to the Brooklands drawing office project) has definitely given me a fresh perspective.

Changing a character from being a neutral who doesn't know what's going on and has to have stuff explained to them just to move the plot along, to someone who becomes an antagonist because they smell a rat when some explanations don't meet their expectations suddenly makes all the difference.

And that way, my main character now has an antagonist in the present as well as in the past.

Is it a bit like Perry Mason where each member of his staff fill in a bit of the story to let you know what's going on?

Perhaps that's why some modern programmes confuse people as they don't stick to the Perry Mason story telling.
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Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright, sunny and already warm Suffolk. The first coffee of the day has been had along with a pint of squash and a large bowl of porridge is currently soaking in milk before being nuked.

In just over an hour's time I'm off to the local rail station with the bike and heading inland for a ride which may take me very close to the @Reynard residence. With the forecast heat a second bottle of drink has been prepared and re-hydration locations at my destination have been researched while I wait for the return train. Hat and sunscreen are also ready to go.
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