Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Afternoon cuppa went down well
Added a few pieces to latest jigsaw 🧩


Boy its a bit hot outside not enough of the garden is shade yet. The bit that is has been weeded and planted up now looking pretty good.
The rest will have to wait still it either cools down a bit or left for another fine day. Time for a sandwich as I sit and listen to the sweet sound of leather on willow.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sheeit scary I'd imagine.

I remember Spitfires harassing a German bomber trying to hit the Forth Bridge. They were firing at it over our house and bullet cases were falling around. I gathered some up and kept them as souvenirs for years but they vanished during one house move. I was aged about 5 years old at the time and I also remember a bomber which crashed in a field near us. Everybody local went to have a look at it.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Very few even bother using basic checking of rolls and cross ref with other things. Even when I was ward party chair a good few years ago the data base Labour had back then. Held a massive about of voter data which inc street by street house by house voter information. Which was used in great detail to target which areas and how to target. Now with social media micro data added to the mix the information parties hold on voters and past voter affiliations. Added to current party data they now hold and use vast about of data to work out just what is going on, on the ground and much of it is now in real time.

That is probably why we do not get door to door canvassing now which I well remember doing. It was something I enjoyed doing actually but you had to remember and instruct new canvassers that in tenement buildings you started at the top and worked down. Never do from ground floor upwards as you may not have an escape route if needed. I never had that problem but some did in Dumbarton.:ohmy:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Been cloudy all day until now when the sun comes out for the evening.
Went for a walk after lunch but misjudged the temperature so while the house interior feels cold it is warm outside.
Had a medium weight jacket on but could not carry it while I used two sticks on a forest road so just had to fry for a bit.
Went down to the marina for a seat but a problem parking with a camper van over 7 metres with a trailer of 5 metres taking up two blue badge spaces. I just park at the top of the slipway where I could easily move if anyone wants to use it.
Had a chat with the only other surviving member of "last of the summer wine" group who is fiddling with a new to him boat.
He still has not finished working on one of my old boats but at one point he had four until he ran out of options for parking them. I was once roped in to help launch one of his boats which was too big for the slipway. Never again!

Somebody on Coll has carelessly let his kayak drift away on a rising tide. All shipping asked to keep an eye out for it.


Grrr. Amazon have upped their free postage minimum order to £35.


Legendary Member
I had a bit of ride around Carlisle centre this morning before there was much traffic. I went into the cathedral again and heard the choir rehearsing for the morning service. I probably would have stayed for the service only it would have been pushing it to get my train if I'd stayed until it was over and I didn't want to interrupt by going out early.

Had a completely uneventful train journey from Carlisle to Carlisle. I'd taken an earlier train than intended as it came up cheaper when I had went to book it so had a while to wait at Ardrossan so pottered around the coastal paths.

Here now on Arran for a few days. Weather was amazing this afternoon.

I had been sitting outside enjoying my nice view and the setting sun but was chased back indoors by midgies:gun:


Leg End Member
I had a bit of ride around Carlisle centre this morning before there was much traffic. I went into the cathedral again and heard the choir rehearsing for the morning service. I probably would have stayed for the service only it would have been pushing it to get my train if I'd stayed until it was over and I didn't want to interrupt by going out early.

Had a completely uneventful train journey from Carlisle to Carlisle. I'd taken an earlier train than intended as it came up cheaper when I had went to book it so had a while to wait at Ardrossan so pottered around the coastal paths.

Here now on Arran for a few days. Weather was amazing this afternoon.

I had been sitting outside enjoying my nice view and the setting sun but was chased back indoors by midgies:gun:
You're bigger than them, how'd they chase you inside?
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