Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Dib Lems chimnea fodder has dropped through the letterbox 🔥


Made the mistake of taking the car to Aldi. The purpose was to pick up a 12 pack of J2O cans for £5.99. Also came back with a new £9.99 bird feeder! Well it does have three hooks, along with a bird bath and tray saving me the bother of sourcing a hook for the existing one hook feeder. The hooks are a lot more shaped so it looks like stuff should stay on them. Only a single spike ground fixing so think it needs a better ground anchor.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Dib Lems chimnea fodder has dropped through the letterbox 🔥

I've had a Deborah Limocrats one, a slightly deformed Reform one, a Labour one, 2 communist party ones, and today the oh-so-keen on recycling Alliance for Green Socialism* delivered 4. To make recycling worthwhile, I assume. Tories haven't bothered.

*The candidate lives in the block and is an inveterate trouble causer.


Legendary Member
One of those days where it was too hot to sit in the garden - although that may have something to do with the house & fences block the wind from certain directions. Wasn't too bad while on the bike early afternoon and absolutely lovely on the late afternoon stroll.

An order has been placed for enough coffee filter papers to last another 3 or 4 months.

Well that's the GP watched
Still got that to do, but knowing the result and having read the race report, I'm not sure if it's worth the effort.


Legendary Member
My postal voting pack arrived this morning so at some point this week I'm going to have to decide which of the five options is the least worst. Leaflets from four of them were collected by the council as part of the recycling this morning, but nothing from the current encumbent (blue lot). Instead I got a 'personal' letter from the PM, but it still went into the same receptacle unread like everything else.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I am not in a "swing" State so I have gotten very little in terms of campaign literature or anything else for the election here in November. As an old media and advertising and politics person, I can state that the election is both candidates to lose. The Midwest is often ignored and taken for granted by both parties, outside of Michigan and Wisconsin. The candidate who ignores the Midwest the most is usually the one who loses.


Legendary Member
Lovely day on Arran, eventually when the mist and dampness finally burned off in the afternoon.

I took a boat trip to Holy Island in the morning and wondered about all over the place but didn't do the climb over the top. I think with my ankle damage, my days of doing serious hikes like that are over.

Went for a ride in the afternoon, went to Lochranza and back again. I believe it's tougher from the Brodick side but I enjoyed it all the same.

I've booked myself on the ferry as a foot passenger and they can like it or lump it. I had a reply to the email I sent them last Tuesday today telling me to ring their booking line as they don't do booking by email. I had already tried that several times and tried again twice today - expected wait time 53 minutes....
They probably don't make much money out of an occasional cyclist so don't care. If I was a haulage company or bus tour operator, I'm sure they'd be more helpful.


Legendary Member
I also called at the Arran Brewery for a quick look around. I think I finally learnt which medical condition I suffer from.

I am not in a "swing" State so I have gotten very little in terms of campaign literature or anything else for the election here in November. As an old media and advertising and politics person, I can state that the election is both candidates to lose. The Midwest is often ignored and taken for granted by both parties, outside of Michigan and Wisconsin. The candidate who ignores the Midwest the most is usually the one who loses.

The constituency boundaries here have changed for this election, and I'm now in a newly-created one where the outcome is uncertain. So all the parties seem to be making something of an effort for once.

The upsides of the boundary change is that I'm now in a constituency where the educated, well-informed and outward-looking liberal actually has a useful voice. That makes a nice change.
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