Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the sun is shining, the skies are bereft of clouds and it's very pleasantly warm. The first coffee of the day has been had along with a banana for breakfast and the first of two loads of washing is in the machine and about half way through.
Nothing else to do today apart from go for a bike ride later to get away from all the day trippers heading for the seafront.


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
You're right, it is.

It took two hours before anyone bothered to say "bonjour" to me ^_^

Two hours :laugh:


Knowing the exact number of postal votes before any vote is cast is easy. Knowing who those votes are for is impossible.

Candidates, agents and parties all can apply for a copy of the full register. This copy varies slightly from the one you can examine/check as there's more detail on it. They are also supplied with a copy of postal voters, which is in the same format as the full register supplied to them. Sit down with a pencil and street map and you can soon see areas of high postal votes. And they'll have previous years records to compare it with.

All this is why postal votes are getting harder to get. Why you now have to apply more frequently than before.
Maybe nothing was done because no complaint was made by anyone else standing or if someone who knew before the count decided not to question it. It needs that complaint making, that question being asked in order for anything to be done. Otherwise it's just hearsay/rumours, and they can't investigate either of those.

Very few even bother using basic checking of rolls and cross ref with other things. Even when I was ward party chair a good few years ago the data base Labour had back then. Held a massive about of voter data which inc street by street house by house voter information. Which was used in great detail to target which areas and how to target. Now with social media micro data added to the mix the information parties hold on voters and past voter affiliations. Added to current party data they now hold and use vast about of data to work out just what is going on, on the ground and much of it is now in real time.


Legendary Member
Home again after a nice little bike ride in the sunshine. First load of washing taken off the whirlygig and folded ready to be put away. The second load (towels) was done while I was out and is now out to dry. A fairly strong onshore breeze that picked up during the afternoon should help.
Time for a coffee followed by a shower and a shave.
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