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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Is it a BYOB or a real party?

The one I've seen is Labour.


Leg End Member
They get sorted into piles according to the candidate voted for as they appear before voting day.
This is supposed to be confidential but it has been known for a candidate to get information they should not have.
It can enable them to give extra attention to weak spots.
They get checked, name & address, ID, signature, and split into wards/constituencies.
But they do not get counted until the day of the count. Where they are combined with those votes cast at polling stations, after they have been counted and their number verified. Then placed in with the rest of the votes, before being split according to candidate voted for, or spoilt vote.

Should any candidate or their agents attend the opening and validation of postal votes, they are bound by law to maintain the secrecy of the ballot. Coupled with the fact that they'll never get close enough to read the address, it'd be impossible, and very likely to have their nomination suspended if any attempt was made to use any information seen. Forcing either any and all votes for them to be removed at the count(Automatic exclusion) to a re-run, without that candidate or any with the same agent(s) being excluded from standing.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
They get checked, name & address, ID, signature, and split into wards/constituencies.
But they do not get counted until the day of the count. Where they are combined with those votes cast at polling stations, after they have been counted and their number verified. Then placed in with the rest of the votes, before being split according to candidate voted for, or spoilt vote.

Should any candidate or their agents attend the opening and validation of postal votes, they are bound by law to maintain the secrecy of the ballot. Coupled with the fact that they'll never get close enough to read the address, it'd be impossible, and very likely to have their nomination suspended if any attempt was made to use any information seen. Forcing either any and all votes for them to be removed at the count(Automatic exclusion) to a re-run, without that candidate or any with the same agent(s) being excluded from standing.

You can tell by the height of the various piles what the proportions are like so can transpose that to get an idea of possible end result.
There was a case a few years ago when the tory candidate unwisely let slip information she should not have had.
I suppose the actual system depends on the returning officer and may vary a bit from place to place.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A day of sunshine and showers.
Went for a walk and it rained so back home and sun appeared. Sat in my sheltered spot in the garden. A few bees of various kinds buzzing around the flowers, mainly clover.
Strange lack of bird life with house sparrows being very common but nothing much else apart from a couple of blackbirds and a thrush or two. Patrolling seagulls and the occasional crow with pigeons to be heard. We used to have a small flock of starlings but they have vanished.

Connel bridge on the mainland is a bottleneck and vehicles are reported tailed back for miles. An accident at Glencoe apparently and all north/south traffic diverted that way in both directions. This inevitably leads to traffic backed up on the A85.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
A nice 45 minutes of gentle weeding still about 50+hours to go.

All the time I was doing it the sky was full of aircraft courtesy of the Sywell airshow 3 miles away.

MrsPete, a couple of friends, myself & 3 dogs were in a field near Mears Ashby..
The sound and view of 7 Spitfires, line astern, passing low overhead was a sight I've never experienced before & doubt I ever will again!! 😎😎😎
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