Mundane News

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Another day, another aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

Did not sleep well as I was overtired. Went to iron my white coat for tomorrow to be confronted by another whopping puddle on the utility room floor. Yep, you guessed it, the fridge has also gone *fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt*

The frozen stuff was still frozen thank goodness, so went to collar my good friend Linda at her work. She came and picked up the frozen stuff and shoved it in her freezer, as well as providing an equally temporary home to the stash of salamis and chorizos. My kitchen fridge is now absolutely rammed, but this situation should slowly resolve itself as I'm now not allowed to go anywhere near somewhere selling groceries. In any case, Linda will get a share of what I cooked up yesterday, so that should also make some space in there.

I still had to have another ruthless cull, though. Ergo I did another tip run with all the stuff I can't / didn't want to keep, and also took the chance to dispose of some excess cardboard and packaging.

Also managed to remove the vast majority of the remaining ice from the fridge. That almost ended in disaster, as one of the coolant lines in the freezing compartment split. Contained that, and everything there is now under control. The fridge is stuffed with tupperwares and towels to catch any remaining moisture.

I'm off to the Kensington and Middlesex joint shows tomorrow to steward. It'll be a nice break - and change of pace - from the madness of the last three days. I've apologised in advance to my judge for any impending brain farts.

I'm off for a VERY early night in a bit.


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
You haven't got a spare undercarriage you can use whilst your regular one is resting?

I did get a bit of cycling in today, going to see my great grandad and pootling about in the lanes, but after a bit of scran at O'Tacos I got back to my room and felt absolutely destroyed.

I'd planned to ride to Le Touquet on this trip, that won't be happening. Instead I'll get the train over there. I will take the bike, however, cos it's a fair hike on foot from Gare d'Étaples to la plage.


Leg End Member
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