Mundane News

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A warm and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Crashed out for a solid ten hours, but my word, am I stiff and creaky today. Spent the morning sorting ingredients for this afternoon / evening's cook fest, and have also made spiced cranberry and tangerine relish with the bag of cranberries that I had to remove from the freezer compartment in the fridge in order to make space for the salvaged joints.

I am about to make the paste for a curry sauce. The leg and wing from the turkey will go into a curry. I will roast the breast. I will fry off the two ribeye steaks and also roast the piece of beef rib that had partially defrosted and that I thus couldn't re-freeze. I think the two gammons will have to wait till tomorrow, I think.

It sounds like a lot, but once the stuff is cooked, I can safely re-freeze it.

At this rate, I shall be going to the cat show on Saturday for a rest!

A few years ago the library use to loan out energy usage plugs. I borrowed one to try out. The usage from our ageing fridge freezer was eye watering. We decided to replace it when we could. The next day it went and packed in on us. So got replaced a bit sooner than we planned.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Running late due to a variety of reasons, so an early stop at Home-on-Spalding-Moor. I'll probably now add an additional pause near Castleford.
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with the last slice of cooked chicken and some cranberry sauce, one with the last of the kidderton ash cheese, plus an apple, a nectarine and two :cuppa:

Am back to cooking up a storm in the kitchen. The steaks have been dealt with (some of those are in Madam Lexi) and I've just shoved the three quarters of a kilo piece of beef rib in the oven. It's essentially the same cut as a tomahawk steak, so I've referred to my notes on the cooking times for that.

I've also made a madras curry sauce for the dark meat from the turkey, and the herb rub for the breast, which I will roast later. I shall be browning off the meat for the curry shortly, and I will roast the breast this evening. Fortunately, it is only half a bird, as this is the turkey I went halves on with a friend over Christmas. So it is manageable.

Though I will probably blag some temporary freezer space from said friend, as once stuff is cooked, it can then be safely re-frozen.
A few years ago the library use to loan out energy usage plugs. I borrowed one to try out. The usage from our ageing fridge freezer was eye watering. We decided to replace it when we could. The next day it went and packed in on us. So got replaced a bit sooner than we planned.

The new fridge freezers I'm looking at (there's a Beko and a Bosch in budget) use about 40 % less energy than currently my freezer alone. If I replace both the freezer AND the fridge, I will be using about two thirds less electric in total. So whatever I end up getting will pay for itself in fairly short order.

Am already classed as a low usage household, so it's an added bonus.

I'd always said to mum that if either the fridge or the freezer in the utility room packs up, I will replace both with a single new unit.
To add insult to injury, the light in the utility room fridge has stopped working.

Now I don't know whether that is because the light is fubared, or whether it's actually the fridge that is ALSO now fubared as a result of the water peeing out of the freezer. I can't feel the motor running, but everything is still cold / frozen. Have checked the socket (swapped fridge over with washing machine) and the washing machine turns on, so it's not the socket.

Will call the aforementioned friend when she gets home from work and see about blagging that fridge / freezer space sooner as opposed to later. I suspect the situation may now also need another cull and tip run to dispose of the items with the lowest priority in order to make sure I can fit everything in. without imposing too much on the friend's storage space.

The universe is having entirely too much fun at my expense.
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Legendary Member
Tip run done this morning followed by having to vacuum the luggage area of the car to get rid of the detritus. Post lunch coffee and final sausage rolls, the bike ride to pick up the click and collect item was done in warmish sunshine.

The last hour and a bit has been spent just relaxing in a deck chair in the back garden with a pint of cold squash and a magazine. Time for something to eat.


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Isle of Mull
Strange weather with mostly sunshine but banks of fog from time to time.
My house is still cold inside but when I was outside it felt much warmer than the recent past.

The red deer have been at it again!
Going past the cemetery I noticed the flowers on my wife's grave had vanished so stopped to check. Sure enough the tops of the plastic flowers had been bitten off and then strewn around as inedible. Strangely most of the neighbouring grave decorations had not been disturbed.
I have a store of flowers for such occasions which fortunately are reasonably rare so back up to replace the missing ones.
Rather disturbing perhaps that I recognise the names on most of the gravestones as I knew the people in life.

A new notice has appeared on the gate to the graveyard forbidding camping and overnight parking with pictures of motorhomes, camper vans and towing caravans. There is a new extension to the graveyard which is grassed so it is not beyond possibility that tents could appear there.


Legendary Member
Washing collected and museums visited. I managed to avoid buying any books which is the last thing I'd want while cycle touring. I already had brought one with me for the evenings.

I went for a walk along the rover side and sat on a bench and read my book for a while and nodded off to sleep in the sunshine!

Just finished dinner and it seems this football event is happening tonight again. The same guy is sitting doing his crossword again. I assume he's got a new newspaper or else it must have been a very difficult crossword if he's still doing it.

I wonder is shouting at the TV a new hobby I could take up (if I bought a TV).🤔
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