Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well whilst granddaughter had her bowl of Coco pops


Washing out, large number of small items so it took ages to hang out and required use of the reserve peg bag; those I do not rate much and three binned as no longer functioning as a peg.
Postie delivered a pack of seven used coffee pod return bags of which one was quickly filled with remaining quantity of the box of suet balls. Has a resealable top.
Mixture of sun and cloud


Legendary Member
Washing dropped off at the laundry near where I'm staying, did the tour of Moat Brae house and gardens, learned a few things about J.M. Barrie, who I must admit I hadn't even thought much about since I read Peter Pan as a youngster. It's a interesting place though and worth a visit. They also have an excellent café so have been able to top up my cake level!

Now going to visit Robert Burns, who I have much more interest in. I hope they don't have a café or I will provably eat even more cake...


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Reached Flamborough Head around 12, had lunch and am now en route to Selby ...



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
He'll either be Swiss or English and to a Scotsman they're the same this evening.

And no, I'm not watching it. Someone's dropped a pile of marked student work into my inbox to review and that is much more preferable than watching 22 men chasing a bag of wind.

Football isn't that different to politics, all said.

In other news, saw an obituary & thought "who's that?"
A warm and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Crashed out for a solid ten hours, but my word, am I stiff and creaky today. Spent the morning sorting ingredients for this afternoon / evening's cook fest, and have also made spiced cranberry and tangerine relish with the bag of cranberries that I had to remove from the freezer compartment in the fridge in order to make space for the salvaged joints.

I am about to make the paste for a curry sauce. The leg and wing from the turkey will go into a curry. I will roast the breast. I will fry off the two ribeye steaks and also roast the piece of beef rib that had partially defrosted and that I thus couldn't re-freeze. I think the two gammons will have to wait till tomorrow, I think.

It sounds like a lot, but once the stuff is cooked, I can safely re-freeze it.

At this rate, I shall be going to the cat show on Saturday for a rest!
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