Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
Off to take on the back passages of Kent and do battle with the yummies in their battle cruisers on the school run.
Lights and hi-vis are no guarantee that they will see me or do anything about it.

Hopefully reports will follow


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright & sunny Suffolk. It also looks like the wind has dropped back a bit compared to yesterday so it may hopefully be a bit warmer. If I'd known I was going to be up and about this early, I'd have made the booking for the tip run for when they opened, not having to wait another hour and a half.

Coffee has been had and, other than the tip run, the only thing to do today is wait for confirmation that an order is ready for collection which will make a nice afternoon bike ride.


Legendary Member
For various reasons to do with NTL in the past, I won't have anything to do with Virgin.

Edited to add - If you want to see trafffic chaos in action, just have Cadent randomly dig up roads in your area, badly fill in the holes and then come back two months later to dig more holes.

We had Cadent digging up the roads last year.Seemed to go on forever


All at sea⛵
Off to take on the back passages of Kent and do battle with the yummies in their battle cruisers on the school run.
Lights and hi-vis are no guarantee that they will see me or do anything about it.

Hopefully reports will follow

Well despite their best efforts we survived.
Outstanding performances from the lady dog vet, walker whatever and the Wheel Van Man.
Slowing down seems to imply some weakness or loss of face.
Now the rest of the days duties.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A grey start to the day and fog seems to be creeping in but hopefully the sun may appear later.
Nothing planned but probably go for a walk.
Loud bang heard in Connel and a lorry is stopped on the main road with hazards on. This leads inevitably to queries as to whether it is carrying a bridge or not. :laugh:
Great relief as the bridge is reported to be still open.
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